Video tutorial is pretty useless as when I got stuck at step #22 I had nowhere to go. And it doesn't even mention what to do with versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 - how am I to know all by myself. Way overproduced, needs a much much simpler guide.
Useless? Without it all the newbie users would be completely lost.
And I don't see how the patches will need a videotutorial, since the only thing that you must do is copy some files (and they come with an install guide).
Modding Morrowind could be hard at the beginning, that's a matter of facts.
If you got stuck at step 22 is because MGE crashes, well sorry but then you didn't install all the prerequisites or you forgot to do some steps before.
By the way, if this install is *that difficult* then look for this
More easy than that? It's impossible.