Yes I saw Knots' guide, I think that it's a very good guide, well written and complete (maybe the best out there) ! Yes we can do a "collab" and maybe include him in our team. We are a team that want to work with all the community and we like suggestions/help from all of you. So, yes, why not! Knots is for sure a competent person an he's welcome.
Oh, thanks for mention it, I forgot that guide in the link suggestions included into the Overhaul

Of course we know MGE XE, I tried it myself, and of course is amazing! But I will not include it since it's only a "beta/tech demo version". Or maybe we can include it as an
option in this little customization program:
Maybe that can be an idea, which needs a complete guide. But remember that MGE XE actually has some little defects, and potentially can result in some problems when used by newbies.
To answer @ some of you: no, the Overhaul doesn't include NPC additions/modifications at all (except Animated Morrowind), because they aren't Graphics Mods.
They are included in the "suggested mods" links and they are 100% compatible with the package

I'm having trouble getting this installed properly.
After the step where I open the TESTool.exe and "Merge Objects for active plugins," I then open the launcher and go into data files but I have no "Merged_Objects.esp" mod to select.
Here is a portion of my TESTool log file:
I'm new to modding Morrowind so maybe I screwed up the first few steps involving the install of "Better Beasts?"
I'll try restarting the entire process tomorrow but if anyone could confirm my issue I would appreciate it.
Yes, you kept all the .esp files from Better Beasts.
Just choose one (I suggest better beasts b.esp), and you will be fine.
This problem is solved in the final version, that contains LizTail New Beast Bodies

Thank you all.