Well...I don't know what the issue is now, everything was installed 100% fine. I went through MGE(which I used before this and had set very high) I started a new game, but when I went above the boat the game was fine for about 20 seconds then went nuts. Now every time I start new Jiub is missing legs, textures on the walls are turning red and the screen eventually whites out.
I'm clearly not great at this but I have experience with failure! Here's kind of checklist of places you might've gone wrong, a sort of recap of all the helpful advice I got to get mine running -
Don't install into program files - if you did reinstall, moving it will not work
Make sure you don't have old registry keys forcing you to install into program files or causing other problems
If you get a missing snowflake error, reinstall bloodmoon
After reinstalling bloodmoon, rerun mlox and update load order
Make sure you have this in your .ini and if not change it to this -
Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
Archive 2=Flora Glow.bsa
Place it after [Game Files] stuff if you don't even have a line with [Archives]
After attempting to play the game and getting errors, if none of the above is a possible issue, post what's in your warnings.txt file here - it will help people figure out what might be going wrong.