Uh snowflake crashed mah Morrowind! :teehee:
Apparently, I'm missing a snowflake mesh, because starting Morrowind crashes with the "missing snowflake error: bm_snow 1.nif" error.
Do I run .exe again? Find another mod with the snowflake?
There is a solution in the FAQs at morrowindoverhaul.net
Retail for now, getting steam tomorrow. Had an issue with UAC, turned it off and it stopped. Had an issue with Norton's SONAR program, turned it off and it stopped. OS is Windows 7 32bit. The standard version of MGE wouldn't work, it would just immediately say it had stopped working and try to find a solution. The more stable version worked but every time I tried to detect my resolution/refresh rate etc it would give me an error and not work.
I'll get my hardware specs tomorrow, but I have a GeForce 8800 for graphics.
Here too, start the morrowind launcher as admin, set a resolution from the options, apply and close, run MGEGui as admin.
Assure that you have ALL the required software specified at the beginning of the guide.