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Patches and fixes for known issues:
All of these issues and their solutions have been gleaned from the preceding three threads. Credit for them goes to the individuals who originally posted them. I have just assembled the info into a mini FAQ. - Spirithawke
#1 My custom files (esps, meshes, icons, textures) get overwritten when I re-run the MGSO options.
You can fix this by going into the Morrowind\MGSOO\Options\ folder, search for the files you would like not to be overwritten, and replace them with yours (the ones you want to use all the time).
Note: You should re-run MLOX after running the options to re-set your load order back to what MLOX recommends.
Note2: This issue may also affect things such as MGE / MGE XE, MCP versions installed.
#2 by john.moonsugar.
*Fixes the scroll for summoning Golden Saints in PSsorticon.esp (Option for Magic Sorting Icons) as that plugin accidentally removed the summoning enchantment from the scroll.
*Replaces mesh Meshes\f\Furn_De_Table_03.NIF so you stop seeing that error marker all over the place where the table is missing.
*"Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm" was edited to replace French cell names with English cell names. Mostly affecting door destinations.
*"OTR_Coast_Variety.esp" was edited to replace French cell name with English cell name.
*Two optional meshes for glass boots were edited to correct a texture path name.
*Corrects which meshes get used for the male daedric curiass & guantlets as some esps in the compilation do not agree with each other.
*Corrects a texture path in a_daedric_cuirass_f.nif so females no longer have glowing white briasts.
#4 Have there been any reports of empty chests in Bloodmoon? I'm on Solstheim, and every chest I open is empty. This is a major issue for advancing the MQ of Bloodmoon. Haven't encountered it anywhere other than Solstheim.
The empty locked chests in Solstheim seem to be caused by an old version of the "MW Containers Animated.esp" plugin.
Grab the of that mod (v1.2) from this link, and install it.
(You'll need to replace the Data Files\MW Containers Animated.esp with the one from the archive, and also extract the contents of the meshes folder from v1.2 into your Data Files\Meshes folder)
NOTE: This version of Morrowind Containers Animated requires for the "animated containers crash fix" and "mod removal fixes" in bug fixes section.
#5 When I try to repair a save in Wyre Mash, it says it can't, because "Better Weapons and Armor.esp" has bad refs. What's that and how can it be fixed?
Tab over to "Mods", right click the offending mod, and then click repair refs.
#6 I can't seem to turn off the FPS counter in the top left. I ran the program to change the configuration but the FPS seems enabled regardless if the box is clicked or not.
There are TWO frame rate counters switchable in MGE, one is MGE's, another one is vanilla Morrowind's.
One of them is "Graphic" tab as Display FPS, second one is on "In-Game" tab as Show fps.
#7 Not entirely sure if it's MGSO related, but does anyone else get a really slow mouse sensitivity in the main and character menus?
Morrowind loves doing that, especially when used with any type of mod that might have impact on FPS.
The has a great function called "Accelerate Mouse pointer in menus" and it does wonders to make the cursor feel normal again.
And yes, it works with MGE and all other programs. Just leave it open behind Morrowind and it will do its thing. (do not launch MW from it).
#8 Solstheim, Lair of the Udyrfrykte being inaccessible is caused by the replacement for the surrounding ice exit mesh - Data Files\Meshes\x\bm_ex_ice_exit04.nif
Presumably, the entrance hole in the replacement mesh isn't as deep as in the original.
Deleting that file is a quick fix for the issue.
Spirithawke Note: This mesh is used in 3 places, the other two places, which have related doors also, may be inaccessible as well.
#9 Has there been a patch made for the odd naming on some containers found in the included version of windows glow? It's from the "Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng" plugin. "com_chest_01_pos" was changed for some reason by this mod, instead of being named "chest" it has an odd string of characters as a name instead. I've fixed it in my copy already, but a "official" fix would be nice too.
That odd string of characters is leftover from the Russian version (the author is Russian I believe). No official fix yet, but it is simple to fix in the CS.
#10 MGSOO\Options\G_MC\Data Files\GrassVurt's Groundcover - The Ashlands.esp needs to be rebuilt. The esp is loaded with IDs of UNKNOWN_GRASS
No fix currently
Additionally, users of MGSO might like to know that MGE XE, Morrowind Code Patch, and the MPP have new versions out since MGSO v3.0 was released. You must install over an existing XE 0.9.9 installation. Please before installing. Look in the spoiler for link & info
P.S. Sorry the thread title is shorter, there was a change to the forums and we are now limited to 60 characters.
Edit: Added an issue