[RELz] Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 Thread

Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:18 pm

Many thanks to everyone that opened this thread while I was away or that supported the mod with patches or fixes. I appreciate it! :smile:


See the temporary fixes for known issues at the last part of this post! An official update is WIP.

Thread History:


  • http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/36945
  • http://mw.modhistory.com/download--12231
  • http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics
  • http://www.gamesdot.org/download/Morrowind-Overhaul-3.0-Download-4926.html
  • http://www.gamershell.com/download_94205.shtml#mirrorselection
  • http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/69080
  • http://www.atomicgamer.com/files/100435/morrowind-overhaul-v3-0-mod

Useful Links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuOeWG4BXLI (thanks to Weirdsixy of OpenMW)


Patches and fixes for known issues:
All of these issues and their solutions have been gleaned from the preceding three threads. Credit for them goes to the individuals who originally posted them. I have just assembled the info into a mini FAQ. - Spirithawke

Also of note, users of MGSO might like to know that MGE XE, Morrowind Code Patch, and the MPP have new versions out since MGSO v3.0 was released.
http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/26348. You must install over an existing XE 0.9.9 installation. Please http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1461152-shelter-from-magnus-blaze-13-mge-xe/page-4#entry22758273 before installing.
http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1474127-mpp-problems-mistakes-and-suggestions/#entry23026512 Look in the spoiler for link & info
http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1480237-bug-in-the-mpp-165d-beta/page-3#entry23722193 Look in the spoiler tab

#1 My custom files (esps, meshes, icons, textures) get overwritten when I re-run the MGSO options.
You can fix this by going into the Morrowind\MGSOO\Options\ folder, search for the files you would like not to be overwritten, and replace them with yours (the ones you want to use all the time).
Note: You should re-run MLOX after running the options to re-set your load order back to what MLOX recommends.
Note2: This issue may also affect things such as MGE / MGE XE, MCP versions installed.

#2 http://download.fliggerty.com/download-13-726 by john.moonsugar.
*Fixes the scroll for summoning Golden Saints in PSsorticon.esp (Option for Magic Sorting Icons) as that plugin accidentally removed the summoning enchantment from the scroll.
A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT THIS PLUGIN: There are a couple changes made by this mod that are not mentioned, for details on those, and for a copy that do not have those changes, http://mw.modhistory.com/download--12174.
*Replaces mesh Meshes\f\Furn_De_Table_03.NIF so you stop seeing that error marker all over the place where the table is missing.
*"Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm" was edited to replace French cell names with English cell names. Mostly affecting door destinations.
*"OTR_Coast_Variety.esp" was edited to replace French cell name with English cell name.
*Two optional meshes for glass boots were edited to correct a texture path name.
If you have already started your game before adding this patch and need to fix said save game for removing non-teleporting doors (which any of those the player has already encountered won't be fixed by the patch due to being saved into the player's save game), please see http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1419785-relz-morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics-30-by-kingpix-thread-2/#entry21715492 for using Tes3cmd to do this. Alternatively, you can also use Wrye Mash to fix this issue, please see http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1476401-relz-morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics-30-thread-4/#entry23085709.

#3 http://download.fliggerty.com/download--852
*Corrects which meshes get used for the male daedric curiass & guantlets as some esps in the compilation do not agree with each other.
*Corrects a texture path in a_daedric_cuirass_f.nif so females no longer have glowing white briasts.

#4 Have there been any reports of empty chests in Bloodmoon? I'm on Solstheim, and every chest I open is empty. This is a major issue for advancing the MQ of Bloodmoon. Haven't encountered it anywhere other than Solstheim.
The empty locked chests in Solstheim seem to be caused by an old version of the "MW Containers Animated.esp" plugin.
Grab the http://download.fliggerty.com/download--687 of that mod (v1.2) from this link, and install it.
(You'll need to replace the Data Files\MW Containers Animated.esp with the one from the archive, and also extract the contents of the meshes folder from v1.2 into your Data Files\Meshes folder)
NOTE: This version of Morrowind Containers Animated requires http://download.fliggerty.com/download--139 for the "animated containers crash fix" and "mod removal fixes" in bug fixes section.
UPDATE: qqqbbb has now posted a simpler set of upgrade instructions than the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1410102-rel-morrowind-containers-animated/page-7#entry23260558, on each mod download page (GHF & Nexus).

#5a When I try to repair a save in Wyre Mash, it says it can't, because "Better Weapons and Armor.esp" has bad refs. What's that and how can it be fixed?
#5b Has anyone else encountered this error? It is seems to be coming from MGSO, since that is where I got Better Weapons and Armor.
Object reference "azura's servant" missing in master file.
Current file "Better Weapons and Armor.esp"
Cell "Tel Vos, Northeastern Tower"

In Wrye Mash, tab over to "Mods", right click the offending mod, and then click repair refs.

#6 I can't seem to turn off the FPS counter in the top left. I ran the program to change the configuration but the FPS seems enabled regardless if the box is clicked or not.
There are TWO frame rate counters switchable in MGE, one is MGE's, another one is vanilla Morrowind's.
One of them is "Graphic" tab as Display FPS, second one is on "In-Game" tab as Show fps.

#7 Not entirely sure if it's MGSO related, but does anyone else get a really slow mouse sensitivity in the main and character menus?
Morrowind loves doing that, especially when used with any type of mod that might have impact on FPS.
The http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14566 has a great function called "Accelerate Mouse pointer in menus" and it does wonders to make the cursor feel normal again.
And yes, it works with MGE and all other programs. Just leave it open behind Morrowind and it will do its thing. (do not launch MW from it).

#8 Solstheim, Lair of the Udyrfrykte being inaccessible is caused by the replacement for the surrounding ice exit mesh - Data Files\Meshes\x\bm_ex_ice_exit04.nif
Presumably, the entrance hole in the replacement mesh isn't as deep as in the original.
Deleting that file is a quick fix for the issue.
Spirithawke Note: This mesh is used in 3 places, the other two places, which have related doors also, may be inaccessible as well.

#9 Has there been a patch made for the odd naming on some containers found in the included version of windows glow? It's from the "Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng" plugin. "com_chest_01_pos" was changed for some reason by this mod, instead of being named "chest" it has an odd string of characters as a name instead. I've fixed it in my copy already, but a "official" fix would be nice too.
That odd string of characters is leftover from the Russian version (the author is Russian I believe). No official fix yet, but it is simple to fix in the CS.
Note1: Abot has an Windows Glow - Raven Rock patch http://mw.modhistory.com/download--14155 that appears to fix every other Raven Rock issue EXCEPT the name of that chest.
Note2: That chest actually appears to be a dirty entry. I ran across one in a temple on the mainland I think it was...needs to have a new entry created, and the reference replaced (maybe..needs more anolysis).
Note3: Abot updated his patch, get it from his http://abitoftaste.altervista.org/morrowind/index.php?option=downloads&Itemid=50&task=info&id=45&-Windows-Glow-Raven-Rock-English-Patch.

#10 MGSOO\Options\G_MC\Data Files\GrassVurt's Groundcover - The Ashlands.esp needs to be rebuilt. The esp is loaded with IDs of UNKNOWN_GRASS
No fix currently

#11 Animated Morrowind combined esp has issues which need fixing, http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1475889-oddly-named-books-in-animated-morrowind-mgso/#entry23084031.

#12 Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm has issues which need fixing, http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1478059-ex-drystonewall-c-01/#entry23122307 for description of the problem and some patch files. A better UV nif for one wall tile is also available there.

#13 I keep running into lanterns!
MGSO 3.0 uses an old version of the Dunmer Lanterns Replacer that accidentally added collision to lanterns where there's not supposed to be any. You need to upgrade the http://download.fliggerty.com/download--690 to version 9.0.

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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:14 pm

Hey Kingpix, can I ask you something?Which Magic Item Icons are you using? I've looked around but haven't been able to Id the source.

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Jah Allen
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:38 pm

I lurk the forums every now and again - just wanted to chime in here to say thanks for taking the time to come back to this and good luck on the update.

A few of my (unsolicited) thoughts and reports from my last play-through:

1. I'm not sure whether it was MGSO related but sometimes when I went in to places with ambient sound effects they were LOUD. Just clicking the volume slider usually worked but in places like dwemer ruins the faint humming that goes on there was approximately 3-4 x louder than it should have been without touching the slider, relative to other sound effects. Could also have been MCP or any number of things but thought I'd bring it to your attention.

2. While it's obviously a question of editorial discretion (and fair play to whoever made the original files) I'd suggest changing the textures/models for Chrysamere and the Lord's Mail - they really stand out from other models and textures included, and the Lord's Mail in particular does not fit with any other armour (Dragonbone and the others still do this well).

3. While I loved Balmora trees it really brought my GTX 780 to a grinding halt (there is a warning about this again to be fair) – the way they looked though was really great so I wondered whether there might be some mod out there that achieves the same effect without absolutely murdering computers.

4. While it's probably still a long way off, would it be worth teaming up with the Open MW guys and making a version of the installer compatible with it? This could really help to drive adoption of Open MW and the more people that play it, the more incentivised people will be to work with it and make more mods for it. I understand forking the install could lead to a lot of headaches.

5. I wonder what interaction, if any, MGSO could have with Tamriel Rebuilt? e.g. groundcover.


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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:36 pm

You're awesome Kingpix, thanks for taking the time to breathe life into Morrowind and get thousands of players back to the game with your complete and perfect Overhaul that everyone loves and almost everyone uses, you helped the Morrowind Modding Community expand with your magnificent overhaul, you're such an amazing person, I want to thank you and I really hope for nothing but the best for you in your future, thank you :thanks: :tes:

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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:07 am

I get a Morrowind has stopped working error every time I try and start a new game.
I have the GOTY version on DVD and there is no option to install it anywhere other than:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind
But MGSO3 says to install it to C:\Morrowind
Any ideas? I used to play with MGSO2, but the latest version won't work at all.
Also, it always says my drivers are a year old but they are not; they update automatically when released.
Asus Maximus IV Extreme-Z
Intel i7 2600K 3.40 GHz overclocked @3.8 GHz
8GB Corsair Vengeance PC3 2133MHz DDR3 RAM
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:12 pm

You can try http://www.gamesas.com/topic/781497-vistawindows-7-problems/#entry11352753 your Morrowind install.

I have no idea about he driver as I don't use MGSO.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:19 am


I uninstalled everything and ran the registry cleaner from my AV a few times and re-booted in between.

It still had Morrowind in Win 7 INSTALLED PROGRAMMES and I could not get rid of it.

So I tried installing everything again and this time got to choose the directory path.

So I installed Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon, ran it as far as character creation to test and then installed MGSO3.

I got 14 Warnings at the end of this, but the auto-installer closed and would not let me see what the errors were.

And the game absolutely will not play.

Whenever I try to start a new game, it crashes and says Morrowind Has Stopped Working.

This is a terrible shame as I got it looking so good with MGSO2 and a completely manual install.

The only error in WARNINGS.TXT is

Not able to find Foot part in BC_shoes_common_1, which seems to be something to do with the Better Clothing mod?

Maybe I should revert to Vanilla and try again?

ANY ideas at all what I can do?


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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:58 pm

These are the details of the error:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: Morrowind.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 3ef35891
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 00392a90
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:49 am

These warnings you mention are at the end of Distant Land generation in MGE XE and should not cause any problems.

The foot part error should not cause any problems either, Better Clothes is known to report these errors.

If you want to know all mods you are installing with MGSO, check it's http://www.ornitocopter.net/mo_wiki/index.php?title=Credits.

You will not have Better Heads when you install MGSO btw. MGSO has Better heads models and textures included, but uses Vvardenfell visages in the end (different head replacer).

Also you can always install MGSO3 manually if you wish so. Just open Data.exe with WinRar or some similar tool and extract all files you want.

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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:44 am

thanks you are correct, those in the credits are outdated! Sadly right now I don't remember the exact name, shame on me. :blush: I'll look into that!

The fact that you cannot change the installation folder of Morrowind is due to a registry problem with win7/8 and UAC. To change the install directory during the installation you first have to uninstall Morrowind AND the Construction Set, then open the registry and locate the remaining Morrowind registry keys that can be in two different locations:

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks]
  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MA CHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks]

Delete them both. This time you will be able to install Morrowind wherever you want. This is also the problem of Morrowind crashing, or at least could be. The fact is that Morrowind looks in different places for the keys, depending on wether you are or not with UAC enabled.

Then reinstall the game (and be sure to run the Setup.exe as administrator) in C:\Morrowind or wherever you like but not in the Program Files folder, as you correctly said. Just to prevent ANY error, set MGEXEgui, Morrowind Launcher, and Morrowind.exe to run as administrator in any case. It's the only way to prevent errors for sure.

About the video drivers, that's strange but not a problem, since the installer only checks them and doesn't force you to install them.

As Reaper said, you are free to install MGSO manually if you would like to. But I'm quite sure the installer doesn't cause any crash, it's probably due to the issues I wrote in this post. The new Installer of the version 4.0 will handle this aspect even better, and will likely prevent any error (hopefully).

Thanks for reading.

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:50 pm

Well, I can play the game by using the original .exe, and the Better Heads/Bodies mods are obviously there.

But I cannot run it with the MGSO Launcher, so I do not get any of the graphics improvements, vegetation etc.

Seems MGSO3 is broken for me.


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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:30 am

Do you have Morrowind installed in more than one location? (I mean, do you have another Morrowind folder somewhere)

What you mean with MGSO Launcher?

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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:26 am

I've been trying to get it to run and had not refreshed this page, so sorry I missed this reply.

And thank you very much for replying as I SO want to get this working properly! :smile:

No, I had UAC off the first time I installed it, but after running the registry cleaner (as mentioned earlier), I was able to install to C:\Morrowind. I have BitDefender Total Security that comes with it's own Registry Cleaner.

I set everything to Run As Administrator in Properties before installing anything, including the GOTY DVDs/CDs and everything that unzipped from MGSO3.

But I cannot run the game without a Morrowind has Stopped Working error as soon as I click on NEW when I use the Morrowind Launcher.exe or the Morrowind.exe.

BUT, when I used Morrowind.Original.exe, I could start a NEW game with no problem.

So I created a character and talked to Fargoth before saving.

I find this error reported all over the net, but no fix. It is probably something so simple and obvious it's under my nose. When I tried playing Age of Empires, all my graphics were so fuzzy and distorted it was unplayable as I could not see anything. All I had to do was create a Catalyst Profile for my Radeon HD7970 with EVERYTHING set to the lowest possible and Use Application Settings. But there was nothing anywhere about this, just a lot of Voodoo Jazz fixes like leaving your Catalyst Window open and other nonsense. LOL! :D

So I'll try tinkering with the card, or maybe use Fast PC settings instead of Very Fast? As MGSO3 does not recognise my card drivers, maybe my machine is too up-to-date for it and I should try lower settings? Just like AoE?


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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:51 am

Actually, on my E:\ drive I have a copy of an old installation from my old, ancient PC that worked with MGSO2. But it is in a folder called Old C Drive and really is just an archive copy of old mods.

I really can't recall if I played Morrowind on this PC. I bought it in March, 2012, as I desperately needed an upgrade and I wanted to play Skyrim, which I bought on DVD in November, 2011.

But if I DID play Morrowind with MGSO2 on this machine, could that confuse MGSO3 if there are traces of it in the Registry?

The only mods I ever used back in the day were:

a House Mod I made myself


House of Mannequins, as my house mod had walls lined with them to display armour

and a selection of mods now included in MGSO3, plus a few others.


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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:49 am

Open the registry and go to the following locations (one could not exist at all):

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks]
  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MA CHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks]

Tell me the InstalledPath value found in those locations, please. :)

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:40 am

I purged everything to do with my old Morrowind installations and MGSO2/MGE from E: (except saves and mods).

Then I uninstalled C:\Morrowind and MGSO2 completely.

Then I ran the Registry Cleaner and checked those locations and there was nothing.

Then I re-booted and re-installed Morrowind.

Then I re-installed MGSO3 and it hanged twice at the stage where it updates the game and installs mods.

So I re-booted and installed MGSO3 again.

Then I ran the game and it crashed when I tried to start a New Game.

So I checked those registry locations again and found:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks
Searching for this caused the first BSOD I have had for well over a year (twice!)
but has (Default) REG_SZ (value not set)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bethesda Softworks
has (Default) REG_SZ (value not set)
Also, trying to run the installer program for MGE with either the lighter or darker lighting graphics seems to cause my machine to be permanently reset to either one or the other until I try again and change the settings. So I will use Vanilla Lighting.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:36 pm

Still not working, still the same problem.

Is there an uninstaller to remove it all? My desktop is now way too bright due to using the Lighter Lighting mod part of MGSO3.


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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:43 pm

http://www.wolflore.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1713 KP will have to help with the other MGSO issues though, sorry.

Would a mod add this to the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/781497-vistawindows-7-problems/? I asked before, but nothing ever came of it. Thanks.

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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:40 am

Thanks for that.

This was frustrating as I had a great set of graphics mods before I tried MGSO2 but have not played MW since I got the new PC for Skyrim.


I uninstalled Morrowind, left MGSO3 where it was, re-installed Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon and ran the MGSO3 setup again at lower settings AND IT WORKS!!

It's not quite as nice as I remember, but at least it's working now! Maybe it was just too much for my system, but my system should be able to handle it quite easily?

Next thing:

If I want to use other mods, do I have to run MGSO3 again?

I have a 1920 x 1200 16:10 monitor. I run Skyrim at 16:9 letterbox as it looks better and I prefer it.

Is there any way to make Morrowind's 1600x1200 4:3 aspect ratio increase it's field of view to fill the screen without stretching it out of shape?

If not, I'd rather have black bands down the side as running it in a window is a bit irritating.


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RUby DIaz
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:35 pm

You should be able to use MGE XE to run Morrowind in your native 1920x1200 resolution.

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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:36 am

Will it be stretched out? I can do it in a window, but I can see the border and the Windows task bar.

The thing is, if I run any single component it does not work properly, and I have to run the installer over again.

And I want to use my house mod, Multimark, House of Mannequins and Ranger Tent as well.

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:02 pm

I see no reason it'd be stretched out. Simply open MGEXEgui, and in the graphics tab, change the resolution (top left) to your native resolution. You can change the aspect ratio and FOV to better match your screen as well.

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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:23 am

Just checked and you cannot select the 1920x1200 resolution since 1920x1080 is the highest resolution in MGE-XE as far I can tell.

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Laura Shipley
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:47 pm

I was able to type it in. I don't have a 1920x1200 screen so I can't test it, but I'm sure you can do it, I've seen people play with much higher resolutions.

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kitten maciver
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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:04 pm

I play at 2560 by 1600 and it and all resolutions from the lowest to it are available when running the set-up for MOSG 3.0. Maybe it can tell what your native res is. Maybe I did type it in it's been a while.

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Josh Dagreat
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