-Dire Viperarrow is missing its enchantment
-Cruel Viperbolt has the wrong enchantment
-Shadbak gra-Burbug at Fort Pelagiad has several items on a table that should be assigned to her, but aren't (only the sword is)
-"Shock" Shield spells should probably be renamed to "Lightning" Shield.
Lastly, on the subject of disease...
Even if Dampworm, Rockjoint, Rattles, and Rust Chancre don't make it into the game, their dialogue topics should be fixed. Furthermore, the description of Witbane (and the presence of an identical disease in Rockjoint) indicates that it should affect personality - not agility. Also, the topic for Greenspore indicates that you should be able to catch it from Slaughterfish, which is false.
But I suppose that it's not something the patch will address for fear of interfering with other creature mods >.<