The only thing I could find regarding Greater Bonewalkers was the following:
Summon Greater Bonewalker, description: changed to reflect actual effect
Summon Greater Bonewalker, visual: "VFX_default" -> "VFX_conjure"
CREA_bonelord NPCO - size:36 Count: 1 Item: random_loot_bonewalker_greaterLEVI_random_loot_bonewalker_greater NAME - size:31 random_loot_bonewalker_greater DATA - size:4 Leveled Type: 1 - Calc from all Levels >= PC Lvl NNAM - size:1 14 INDX - size:4 2 INAM - size:20 Misc_SoulGem_Common INTV - size:2 -Extended 1 INAM - size:20 Misc_SoulGem_Lesser INTV - size:2 -Extended 1