Morrowind CS Question regarding Testing Your Mod

Post » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:05 pm

Here is a question regarding Construction Set for Morrowind. When making a mod, I've noticed that when I test my mod by loading a saved game, I often get several errors - sometimes it they are simply notifications that scripts had changed since the last time the game had been saved, but other times they would be more chaotic and unidentifiable problems - like multiple copies of the same NPC that had suddenly cloned themself. After looking up some of these problems, I found out that these glitches were related to the save file storing information about an older version of the .esp, and not issues/bugs associated with the mod by itself. However, to avoid figuring out whether a problem was coming from the old save file or the actual mod itself, I'd make a new game, quickly fill out a new character, and test the mod - over and over again, until I got it right. This is a very inconvenient way of testing my mod (starting in Seyda Neen, doing character generation, increasing my speed via the console to get where I needed to be testing, etc.
My question is:
----How do I test my mods reliably without having to make a new character each time?---

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:33 pm

EDIT: Stuporstars suggestion is better for your needs.

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Post » Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:11 pm

Save a game before you load your mod.

Also, use the Though the teleportation scripts were never completed, it saves a lot of time.

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Marie Maillos
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