I guess that young guars is only on Morrowind mainland, while the others is on Solstheim. You could also have bear cubs on the mainland too since there is a forest area in Tamriel Rebuilt.
Why not a gate inside of Ghostfence in between Ghostgate and Ghostgate shrine (part of the Temple pilgrimage quest) to the shrine of Boethiah, once it has been built on Khartag Point and you could place the gate below the shrine on the ground.
I've another idea that I think it should be in the first place and that's to remove every wooden door on the entrance into water caves. I mean it looks kinda silly to find a wooden door under water and what I was thinking of is an entrance like those you see on Solstheim and I think http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Halls_of_Penumbra has that kind of an entrance that I'm referring to.
You are correct regarding the new creature placements.
I was more leaning towars jcjcjc.s idea really, to put one in each lord shrine

Great idea with the entrences. I'll write that one up!
Given that all the Daedric "nasties" that the PC meets have to get into Morrowind from their home plane in some way, I
would have thought that it is not too objectionable. Unless, of course, some lore-hound points out that gamesas have
explained it in some completely different fashion?
Taking the above a stage further, if you believe in role-playing and restricting a players choice, tie it to the 7 Daedra
Lord Quests Shrines. If the player considers they are of the same alignment, they can do the Quest; if they are of
opposing alignment, they can close the gate. But not both options!
I'll see what I can do. I was thinking of, as you say, placing one portal inside each Lord's Shrine. If you activate one it will randomly transport you to one of the other 6 gates. I'm not sure if it's possible to make a script to either let you travel or to destroy the gate. I'm quite sure that would ruin the travelscript as it is supposed to send you to a random gate. But I think that the travel option is the most important one for now.
Also added this just recentely:
* New balanced equipment for Dark Brotherhood Assassins:
Apprentice - Steel Dagger, Enchantment: Poisonous Sting, 2 dmg on touch.
Journeyman - Silver Dagger, Enchantment: Poisonous Sting, 4 dmg on touch.
Operator/Wetboy - Dwemer Dagger, Enchantment: Poisonous Sting, 6 dmg on touch.
Punisher - Adamantium Dagger, Enchantment: Poisonous Sting, 8 dmg on touch.
Assassin - Glass Dagger, Enchantment: Poisonous Sting, 10 dmg on touch.
Need to balance the uses though, still a bit much for my head atm