I wish some contents from http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1104873-relz-morrowind-comes-alive/ was included in Morrowind Rebirth especially the road bandits and the outcast ashlanders you'll encounter in Ashlands. Perhaps later then if you can get Neoptolemus permission.

Have you change anything in Khuul? If so what's changed, but it hasn't changed perhaps add a barrack between Thongar's Tradehouse and the docks where you can take a boat to Frostmouth on Solstheim.

I will add new npc encounters in the next version, so don't worry!
No nothing special has changed in Khuul, but the landscape around Khuul has been altered.
This is a content question rather than a bug fix, but while cruising around Balmora I noticed 'Balyn Omavel' wandering around on the eastern part of the city, and he's wearing that cool new Morag Tong armor that Morrowind Rebirth added. Then later when I visited the South Wall cornerclub I noticed the new Thieves Guild armor.
So, I was wondering if there's any way to acquire these armors short of killing someone for them? As far as I can tell no one in the South Wall Cornerclub sells the Thief armor, but Habasi won't trade with me yet so maybe she sells it. If there aren't members anywhere who sell these pieces, it might be a neat idea if you could edit the game so that you're given parts of the armor set each time you advance in rank, sort of like with the Imperial Legion awarding you Imperial Steel so that by the end up Fort Darius' quests you have an (almost) full set.
Edit: It also seems as though all of the new taverns that have been added to Morrowind Rebirth have an innkeeper who mentions 'beds' in his greeting and has a topic for it, but when asked he says something like 'I don't like you staying here. Get out.'
So far this is happened at the Red Lantern in Seyda Neen and Demmys' Den next to the Vivec Silt Strider. I was wondering if there was a problem with adding new NPCs who offered beds, or if there were any plans in the future to have these inn keepers actually offer lodgings. Obviously it's a great roleplaying tool to be able to buy a room at an inn if you're going to be staying in town for awhile.
I will add a few sets around the game world for 1.8, no problem

Yah I know it's kinda annyoing with those Innkeepers telling you to bug off. Tbh I forgot to fix this waaay back, bad memory I guess.. thanks for telling me again.