Thank you very much. I think that must explain why you couldn't reproduce my bug.
Of course, it doesn't explain why Danke's .esp requires the texture; but thats a completely different question.
Again thanks for your post
Dongle's Adamantium Shields
Dongle's Windmills
Korana's Templar Shield
Xeth-Ban's Tale of the Devious Trader (or was the resource plugin used here?)
Arcimaestro Antares's Golden Saint Armor
Arcimaestro Antares's Animated Morrowind
Arcimaestro Antares's Draugr Deathlord
Arcimaestro Antares's Frost Giant
Arcimaestro Antares's Swamp Troll
Arcimaestro Antares's Green Slime
Arcimaestro Antares's Beholder
Arcimaestro Antares's Gated Caldera
Arcimaestro Antares's Gated Ald-Rhun
Vality7's Vvardenfell 3D Map (can't remember if this was a playable plugin or not)
VagabondAngel's Silver Katana (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=2191)
Quorn's Imperial chain boots/Gauntlets
Quorn's Hospility Papers plugin
Quorn's Muckshovel plugin
Quorn's Miners Pick plugin
Quorn's Ascended Sleeper sound fix
Quorn's Steel Broadsword fix
Petiboy's House Dagoth Bonemold armor
Soulshade's Weapons Of Tamriel
Kalian, Hedgehog-12 & Windwalker's Black Glass Set (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8882)
Psymoniser's Psymons Dwemer statue pack