I dont have a huge amount of time, but I would love to test it out.
I dont have a huge amount of time, but I would love to test it out.
How on earth did this little release escape me!
Trance- fantastic work as usual! definatly a diffrent "morrowind" game. Your detail is amazing.
just a quick one: I use a lot of Balmora mods and I am worried of conflicts ( I will sort them out when hit them) but *IF* I do work out a patch with the mods I am using do you mind if I release it or did you want to have it as an extra download?
Oh you're getting old midget, that's why!
Ha just kidding. Thanks! I'll try my best, and now with fulgore on the train I doubt that you'll find it less detailed lol
Anyways, yeah feel free to make any types of additions, patches etc. Though I'd advice you to wait for 2.5 (release shortly), cause me and Fulgore made a few changes: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16542/Balmora_Deluxe.jpg
And now for a taste of the things to come
Nice pictures you got there.
I like the atmosphere in the interior, but where is this place I don't recognize it.
You don't recognize it because it's a new addition. I won't spoil the surprise but be ready for a lot of new stuff.
Ah well I do remember what's modded vanilla and what's isn't modded vanilla right. How exciting I can wait to see what surprise you have created for us.
I was wondering what you guys think about the birthsings in MW. Are they balanced or do they need a balance pass? If the latter, in what way and what's the solution to the balance issue?
It has always bugged me that birthsigns such as the Atronach are still beneficial in the late game, but birthsigns such as the steed and the Lady lose their value towards the late game.
Any specifics on what could be done to these? I haven't played the game for years lol.
Making the birthsign bonuses to attributes extend past 100 would be nice.
Would this not be handled by the attributes patch of http://download.fliggerty.com/download--139?
Yes, but it doesn't do what I want. Lets say the player has the Lady birthsign. Normally they'd get to a max of 100 personality or endurance despite the +25 bonus to those attributes. I'd like a mod that makes those attributes max at 125 instead of 100 with the birthsign. I want it to work kind of as a permanent magic ring of sorts. The MCP cap remover allows the attributes to extend infinitely I don't want. I find it makes things a bit too unbalanced. I'm sorry if this isn't clear.
BTB's charachter plugin includes SpcetaclesOfDoom's "Level-Up Birthsign Remover" which removes birthsign at level up and adds it back after you level up. So essentially this does exactly what you asked.
Couldn't find the original mod but looks like you have to us BTB's mod to get that feature.
This might be the original mod...need to translate the readme though. http://www24.atwiki.jp/morrowind/m/pages/493.html Look for link on second to last post, apparently I had found this same archive somewhere else before, sadly that one's readme needs translating too. I will note though that the esp itself appears to be in English and the header info lists Azumite as author. Hhmm...additionally I have 1.0, 1.01 too, also with readme files in I believe Japanese. Those all appear to say Azumite as author too.
Using http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww24.atwiki.jp%2Fmorrowind%2Fm%2Fpages%2F493.html, it looks like its v1.03 which corrected a bug from v1.02 regarding addspell/removespell.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nc8h18v0fyp2lwe/Level%20Up%20Birthsigh%20Remover%20103.rar is the mod with some changes. I removed a bowl from seyda neen which was used to activate the script. Instead I directly added the script to StartScript List and also removed bloodmoon dependency.
Could it be uploaded to MMH?
Done! http://mw.modhistory.com/download--15045. Thanks Hollaajith!!!
Edit: I cannot type at this time of the morning
Edit2: Hhmmm...maybe should have called this version 1.04? *shrugs*
I'm interested in what this mod does, but removing the broken restocking system without providing a better alternative is an absolute deal-killer for me. Having them permanently run out of stock is bad realism and even game breaking when you consider alchemists are the only reliable source of some ingredients in the game -- the ones that can't be readily found in the game world.
What I have done, when I add new vendors, is give them varying scripts that restock at a set interval. For alchemists in town, I actually set this to daily and also remove ingredients to simulate daily trade. So a bog-standard restocking script is put on a chest assigned to the vendor and looks like this:
And for ease of scripting, I went for a total removal script of the stuff this vendor stocks. If you make some ingredients less random (staples like saltrice), players will hardly notice that it's completely changed out from day to day. However, the following script is targeted at the chest and only removes what it stocks, so anything the player sells stays in the NPC's inventory. You could alternately stick an activator in the cell, target the restocking at the vendor, and have it start a universal removal script also targeted at the vendor. Once the universal vendor removal script has run, it can be re-targeted at another vendor. Therefore, the following script is an incomplete sample:
Note: it's a good idea to stick a non-carriable light in the container even if the player can't access it. It will prevent the first script from not being able to add anything after everything is removed.
You can put together customized scripts for certain vendors with their stock determined by region, access to supplies via trade, how rich the vendor is, etc. So for example someone like Nalcyra or the richer Telvanni vendors (who by rights should have access to supplies from Port Telvannis though they technically don't in TR -- yet) should have chests that randomly restock rare/expensive ingredients and gems. The frequency/chance for rare ingredients can be reduced compared to cheap ones. Traders and Temple staff can be loaded up with abundant restocking cheap ingredients, with "food" ingredients being restocked in bundles of 5+ and maybe less randomized, enough to be realistic in a setting where you imagine people need this stuff every day. Rare ingredients can be kept to places where it's realistic and lore-friendly to have them, such as having the vendor at Ghostghate being the only one who regularly supplies ash salts, supplied by all the volunteer Redoran/Armigers out killing ash creatures.
I make this suggestion because with all the thought and detail put into other aspects of this mod, to not put the same amount of effort into a solution for the vendor restocking problem makes this mod an incomplete solution, and half-measures are sometimes worse than none at all.
Edit: changed comment in first script because I just realized I never updated it to describe what the script actually does after tweaking it, and that might confuse people.
I am guessing you structured the second script the way you did to avoid the players computer 'freezing', which could happen with while loops?