you don't seem to understand... many mw fans like to mod their game installation, I like to do that, but there are also many gamers that are too lazy to do that. you know, not only the users of this forum play morrowind and many of them just dind't know the existence of mods.
so you think that if someone is to lazy to learn how to properly install mods they don't deserve to use them?
If they don't like to have to read and understand what they're using, they make "consoles" these days. I must agree with the argument that if you can't be arsed to learn how to extract an archive (which takes something like 2 clicks anymore), you probably shouldn't be using it. They don't test your IQ for internet access, but some tests are slipped in by authors, this being one.
Plus, the same people who don't know how to install these mods will be the ones who come to the MGE thread telling us their GUI crashes. No, they don't have the game installed. Wait, MGE needs Morrowind?
Mod installation implements a variety of natural selection.

I also think that with a pack like this people have no idea what the hell they're adding to their game, having only a vague list with a 1 line description. This can cause problems with things like ENBSeries. There isn't a magic configuration of ENBSeries that is compatible with all systems, so people are going to have to tweak it most likely, which they probably can't. And perhaps they don't even want ENBSeries: It can take away quite a bit of FPS.
Indeed. A compilation without the option to skip certain parts is just asking to break at least some people's games. And an addon as technical and messy as ENB is certainly not for those who can't work with archives.
yeah, you're right about permissions, king apologized and then he removed the dl and he's taking the mods that he doesn't have the permission to spread.
I was just trying to understand why you don't want your mods to be spreaded around...
if you say that connary doesn't want to include his mods due to a new version incoming then... what about vality and darknut? why don't you let spread your mods around?
Among other things, version control, respect, access... There are reasons for each person, and often you just have to accept them without questioning. It is in the nature of artists and authors to be unpredicatable and illogical, and most everyone here is both an author and artist (I once heard a seminar on sequels and such, and the speaker mentioned that everybody is surprised if a molecular physicist jumps off a bridge, but nobody if a poet does the same

Now, an idea, is to write a simple program that will download and install mods based on the user's choice. Something of an automated downloader-installer, using existing links and mirrors. The user picks an option from each category (meaning they know what they're installing and have chosen it), and the system does the slow work for them. I can understand using that (like leaving FlashGet running overnight to download a huge mod) and using existing mirrors will solve a number of permissions problems. It also allows the author the same access they have to the mirror and forces users to know what they download. I think something of a mod HUD would be an excellent idea for people new to the game.
If this Mod goes forward disregarding everything thats been said & the community tolerates it .... if it really has come to this point where there is 0 respect for modders & their work .... I'm frakken done with the Morrowind Community & will remove all My mods from the internet & I hope connary, Vality & everyone else who's mods were hyjacked in this "project" will do the same.
I must say, the author has shut it down, at least ATM. What one person says (especially not the one who's apologized) is like listening to only you in this thread. One view may be extreme, that doesn't mean they all are. Removing your content won't solve anything (especially not with how easy it is to access old, cached content, or find someone willing to send you a copy).
I'm pretty sure the community won't tolerate it. As a matter of fact, this is proof it is not tolerated.
Again, the view of one person or group does not imply or mean that there is no respect for modders or our work. This vocal minority is just that, a vocal
minority. They do not accurately represent the views of all users. Given the tiny number of compilations ever attempted, obviously most people do respect the ToU in mods (save that one download site...). Allowing this vocal minority to affect what you do and how you share it, well, it's like opening a duty-free grocery shop for trolls. Backing out because people don't do as you ask goes beyond simply giving in or feeding the trolls. It will not, in any way, improve the situation.
To go a step further, it shows a lack of recognition and respect for all those modders and players who
do follow the usage limits of a mod. If anything, a modder should be grateful to the people who appreciate his/her work, not punish the masses for the indiscretion of a few. Those few can be spoken to and their work dealt with as needed, but there's no reason to completely withdraw work that has, in 99% of cases, been treated with respect.
On a side note, why is everything in there doubled (same-ish sentence twice)?