-Deactivated like 200 esps (but I still have textures/mesh changes)
-Replaced EVERY texture (tga/dds/bmp file) in the Textures directory (or recursively contained therein) with a 64x64 placeholder texture
-Turn off Anti-Aliasing, Distant Land, and Hardware Shaders
This had almost no effect on frame rate. My Core 2 Duo (E3800 I think?) CPU is typically at 60% (i.e. one core is probably fully occupied) and my frame rate is around 20 fps outdoors if I'm lucky.
Is there any way to speed things up apart from a new CPU?
How can an 8 year old game bog down the CPU like this? Could the problem be that my fancy meshes have too many vertices, and there are per-vertex calculations on the CPU?