Morrowind Veterans your favorite memories.

Post » Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:29 am

I just recently got back into Morrowind today after many years and it's got me reminiscing of the old days. So here is my question to those of us who grew up with Morrowind and still play today. What is your favorite memory? Or memories, favorite quests, locations and so on?

Mine would probably be my first playthrough of bloodmoon, hircine being my favorite daedric god and the whole quest line was one I was most invested in and enjoyed exploring I could never get bored of the lore of that island.

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:12 pm

Getting ass-backwards lost in the northern ashlands looking for the Urshilaku Burial Caverns in the main quest. When I finally gave in and looked up a map online, I had pretty much walked past and around it an embarrassing amount of times.

I also fondly remember stumbling upon Molag Bal's shrine in a daedric ruin and almost browning my pants when he spoke to me in a sudden and booming voice. Also a result of getting hopelessly lost. I miss that, I was never able to get that turned around in Oblivion, and even less so in Skyrim. For a series that's known for it's wide open, free-roaming worlds, neither of the previous two games have done exploration as well as Morrowind.

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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:44 pm

One of my favorite memories happened after I had been adventuring for a long time off in the Ashlands. I was on my way back to Balmora. Just as the city was coming into view through the fog the Morrowind theme began to play. By the time I was passing through the arch into the city the music swelled to a triumphal finish. Relief at being back in a safe place and the perfect timing of that beautiful music created a moment I will never forget.

Another favorite moment was also connected to music. When the soundtrack to Fellowship of the Ring was released I slipped a few of its tracks into my Explore folder. Later I found myself standing on the shore just north of Seyda Neen, watching the sun go down over the horizon when AnĂ­ron (the Aragon and Arwen theme) began playing. That song was one of my favorite pieces of music at the time and hearing it just then, while all Vvardenfell seemed to be at peace and while gazing at one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen is still, to this day, one of my most treasured video game memories.

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Post » Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:26 am

This is one of my favorite memories too, my character back then was a Bosmer thief, whose saves sadly got deleted but I still remember that I couldn't find the UBC, no matter how hard I tried. I was convinced that I searched every single spot of the Ashlands and found every other cave or tomb that was to be found. I never used a map and then suddenly, while walking through an area where I definitely walked before, I stumbled upon the UBC.

Another quest that took me a long to complete and one of favorite memories, is from the Imperial Cult, when you are sent to look for a missing pilgrim somewhere west of Mount Kand and retrieve his staff. I complicated things myself here, because I was convinced that his corpse is located at the slopes of Mt. Kand, while it was in fact atop the mountain, hidden behind some rocks. In the end it felt really rewarding when I finally found the corpse.

There are several other nice memories but these two always come first to my mind.

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Post » Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:45 pm

I had no problem with the UBC quest though in fact I fell in love with that cave and have always look forward to explore UBC in every game I played over the years, but my memories from my first playthrough is from the cantons in Vivec and their level of sections.

After a while I was lost and have no idea how to get out of there, so I had to ask my friends fiancee (they were later married) about how the hell do I get out of there because it was to dark from to see in which way I should go. There is also other things I ask her about but that's another story.

I remember the Imperial Cult quest myself and I thought the same thing as you did the corpse lied on the slopes of Mt Kand and not on the top of the mountain.

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