» Fri May 27, 2011 9:07 am
The CS is kind of intimidating at first, and second, and third....
You call up the CS program, then you need to choose which files to work with, kind of like activating mods in the Data Files directory from the game loader menu. Typically, you'll choose Morrowind.esm (.esm are MASTER files, .esp files are typically the mods), Tribunal and Bloodmoon if you need any of those functions or want to change those areas as well, and the .esp files for any mods you want to alter or include things from (or only the .esm files, if you're making a new mod). Checking one of the .esp files as an ACTIVE file will cause your changes to modify that file when you save, not choosing an active file will create a new .esp file. A lot of it is simple "drag and drop" to add things to the game world, but script writing, dialog, quests, and other processes can get considerably more complicated, fast.
There are a number of tutorials on the subject on sites such as Planet Elder Scrolls, TES Nexus, and ElricM, and I highly recommend downloading several before you begin.
Oh, just a note: many of the newer copies of the GoTY edition do not include the full color map and detailed manual. I only got a thin pamphlet with the basic installation instructions, key commands, and a brief starting guide edited down to about 8 pages, with no map. I suffered through a lot of trial and error for a while, until I started asking a lot of silly questions on the MW forum, or reading other players' silly questions and the answers. Online maps are available on the wiki site and other places.