Most Annoying Aspect

Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:03 pm

First off, this is a great game. It's a nicely done re-think of how a freemium game should work.

But, of course it has it's glitches and other annoyances.

For me, this happens everytime there is a Radroach or Raider attack on a crowded (5-6) room. Dwellers will run behind each other, preventing you from giving them a Stimpack in time. Also the healthbar overlay is not always shown above the Dwellers, making you guess which ones are low. Many times I have had Dwellers pointlessly die while I am frantically watching with 30+ Stimpacks in store. While I could appreciate that this creates a sort of Chaos aspect, but when they line up behind each other and simply refuse to move out of the way, that's just not fair.. This is especially annoying on small screens (I play on an iPhone 5).

What do you all think about this?

And what else do you think about the gameplay that is possibly more annoying? (not considering Lousy Lunchboxes)
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