I'm not bothered by the rats. (Giant vicious rats are pretty much a fantasy game cliche.)
This is one of the main reasons I find them annoying. The Elder Scrolls games are built upon an incredibly rich lore, in a wonderfully complex world. Bethesda has no need to drag in a silly cliche, and yet, here are the rats, in every Elder Scrolls game. Even in Morrowind, where there are no other mammals (other than people), there are giant attack rats. It's silly, and I know it's all in fun, and they're supposed to be annoying. (In Morrowind, they were completely outclassed by the cliff racers; those are the most annoying creatures ever devised by devious game developers anywhere, anytime, and they will simply never be topped.

I'll bet the rats will be just as annoying in Skyrim. After all, why stop when you're on a roll? :wink_smile: