Deer. Say what? Yup. Deer.
- When you want to rest and you're warned that there are enemies nearby, but happen to only be deer.
- Plus when the radiant AI kicks in, you have other baddies chase 'em and the deer seem to bring the baddies your way.
- When I'm trying to sneak in the wilderness in and the eye says I'm being watched. Turns out to be the omniscient deer, apparently and nothing else around.
- Going from point A to point B, deer start to scurry... and for some reason like to stay in my path like a bad chase scene in a movie. Why don't they ever try thinking of running off to the side?
- The above things are enough to get my distracted trying to eliminate the deer, trying to chase them down only to get into a fight with another baddie.
Them deer sure seem like sneaky buggers.

I also find elytra annoying. Them seem to have an uncanny knack for staggering my characters.
Chalk up another one against, the mountain lions too. A low level melee character come across one, might as well just reload your save. Athletics are likely not good enough, the lions to big damage and stagger you alot.