Draugr who shout.
Nothing svcks quite as much as getting thu'umed to the ground and taking a draugr deathlord arrow in the knee.
I have a mod that disables vanilla Draugr's shouts, but it doesn't work in Solstheim.
Mages are annoying because of their ice spikes.
I also don't like seekers, that's why i hate apocryphas...
I wouldn't go as far as to do that personally.
i say animals, because they just want to annoy me everywhere i go, no matter if walking on the road, venture into the forest, climbing up the hill, they are everywhere to spoil my mood
another thing, ice wraiths, i hate those things because they are too fast to target especially with bow without sneaking (i mean engaged in combat)
We should distinguish between annoying enemies and tough/difficult enemies. I think a lot of people have been talking about the latter. High level Draugr, mages, briarhearts, aren't annoying. They are enemies with abilities that can make fighting them difficult, so you need to work out a strategy to defeat them.
Annoying enemies, though, are dragons. They fly over and start attacking, then fly away a few hundred metres to breathe fire at a mudcrab; you end up sprinting back and forth trying to engage the [censored] thing. It's not challenging, it's just a chore.
Annoying? Animals on my archer character. Have to draw my bow, nock an arrow, and hope it hits to put the thing down.
Frustrating to fight? My two-handed+archery character can't decide between OP spellcasters (One spell, one death at a Range I can't stay out of, and AoE I can't escape) or Sword+Board Bandit Chiefs/High Level Draugr. Sword+Board beats down my two-handed weapon user too easily (Their shield negates all my attacks, and they attack like lightning).
Two handed warrior orcs are the bane of my existance.
Hostile mages when you're at low level, but once you get some magic resistance you can laugh as you chop their heads off. Then it's high level archers that become an extreme PITA.
Heh, I would have to say Falmer and Chaurus only because once you are in a dwemer ruin you never know when they will appear.
You don't shout them from the proverbial walls?
At highter levels i don't have problems with anything.
Depending on what race you play(cus of racial magic resist) mages that spam the big fire balls and all kinds of ice ,are a nightmare on lower levels.Ofc they are supported by a few mele atackers that make the situation even worse.
Funny how the vote was arch mages by a 3-1 margin over animals such as bears, yet most of the talk is about bears and death lords.
Just to be clear... I HATE Pyro and Cryo master necromancers!
My Bound Axe wielder has an excessive dislike of having to fight a Frost and Shock Mage together. There is nothing worse than having a Weapon disappear while recovering from being Slowed, then being unable to do anything because Magicka is too low to recast.
My habit of stashing extra weapons in a Mod added Bag of Holding does not help.
Shock Mages are annoying for My Mages before gaining access to the Midden in the College of Winterhold. I love the Atronach Forge
No doubt. Each class has its weaknesses. I am playing a hammer-wielding redguard and slow just doesn't begin to describe his combat effectiveness versus master mages. So those pesky pyro and cryo mages keep darting out of the way, even at close range.
You took the words out of my mouth. I didn't put any points into light armor so two-handed weapons hurt a lot.
Mages and archers are usually not a problem. I just keep objects between me and them while closing the distance. Or I just go around a corner and let them come to me.
And to be more specific, vampires.
Animals. Utter garbage. At early levels they are nothing but an annoyance, while at later levels they are just pointless filler that come every five feet.