Most anticipated game is definitely Skyrim. Hands down. No questions.
It releases right before my birthday too. XD So... Yay! A developer is getting me a present!

I have, what is actually an accidental addiction to the TES series.
Many years ago, I was wandering through Wal-Mart, when a single, slightly beaten-up, shiny box, waaaaay in the back, caught my eye. It was MorrowindGOTY. I'd never heard of it. I'd never even heard of Bethesda.
But it looked cool... so...
I took it home, opened the box, and promptly had my face ripped off by awesomeness. XD
Then, Oblivion came out... my poor rig couldn't handle it. I enshrined it for months, until I got my PC.
Then I found out I could mod it... and all hope of a recovery from my addiction was lost. >.>
Edited because I apparently can't type. -.-