I guess I'm curious about Ant-Man (although all the hype I had for it dwindled when they dropped Edgar Wright) and I'll almost certainly go see the new Avengers film. That said, I'm starting to burn out on the MCU and didn't really like GotG, so these might be the last ones that I bother with. Jurassic Park looks pretty awful - the plot reads like the only slightly tidied up suggestions of an eight year old - so I'd quite like to see that just because if they pull it off it should be a laugh. I'm not fussed at all about Star Wars, but I'll probably go see it anyway...
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Whiplash soon - which is a 2015 film for those of us on this side of the Atlantic at least. Other than that the only film I've heard about so far which I'm genuinely excited about is Ben Wheatley's adaptation of High-Rise. I loved the book and so far every one of Ben Wheatley's films have been different and fascinating.
EDIT: Just remembered I read a while back that Guillermo del Toro should be back this year with Crimson Peak. If it's half as good as The Devil's Backbone or Pan's Labyrinth it'll still be worth a watch, and I'm hoping he's using it as an outlet for all that Lovecraftian terror he's had building up inside him after Mountains of Madness was cancelled (again).