» Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:57 am
Vanilla Marriable characters:
1. Muiri (not worth it though cause of her broken voice acting)
2. Sylja (if you can use the console to change what she's wearing)
3. Ysolda.. quite a big step down, she's okay but I think she has kind of a manly face.
4. Lydia she's alright but a bit butch.
5. Iona same here.
All the rest of the Vanilla potential female spouses are a pile of wrinkles, dirt, and man faces. I don't know what Bethesda was thinking making most of the characters you can marry repulsive. Realism I guess?
Characters Marriable with console:
1. Hroki (no problems so far aside from not being able to get the "lover's comfort" buff because her bed in the inn is a single and owned therefore you can't trigger it.. I'd originally married Muiri and restarted a character cause I was sick of her buggy VA and wearing rags all the time)
2. Lynly Star-Sung.. I'm gonna have to try her next playthrough after doing the Riften quest involving her, I wonder if she'll continue to speak in that accent and play her instruments for me <3
3. Vex, though I'm worried it'll mess up thieves guild quests.
4. Jarl Elisrif the Fair, I'm sure you could avoid most problems by moving in with her lol.
5. Haelga, but uh.. she gets around so maybe not.
6. Ingun Black-Briar (why she's NOT marriable is odd, you do do a quest for her)
Probably some others I'm forgetting.