» Mon May 07, 2012 11:26 am
I think it's funny how many people vote for Joshua Graham. Okay, being set on fire, thrown down into the Grand Canyon and actually surviving is impressive. What's less impressive, though, is allowing an old fragile man like Caesar and his tribal dogs to catch you and actually do that to you. He wants nothing more than revenge on Caesar. Okay. Do it already, kill the old bald guy with his flashy power fist. But he doesn't, he is instead wasting his time hanging around even more tribal losers, teaching them the "Way of the Canaanite", which is actually just shooting a .45 pistol, apparently.
Okay, to be fair, I actually like Graham. But he's just a man, with many, many traumas and weaknessess.
Although, there is hope, dear America. There is indeed a man worthy of the title "Most Badass Person in the Mojave".
His name. Robert Edwin House. Saving Vegas from nuclear annihilation, reshaping tribals into actual civilized people, using the Old World technology (that he actually designed himself, mind you) to restore Vegas to it's former glory. Not to mention: In 100 years, Graham, Caesar, Courier 6, Lanius, Kimball, Raul, Elijah; they'll all be dead. Not Robert House. He'll be there, leading the revived New Vegas into an era of wealth, success, safety, space exploration, and a true chance for humanity to rebuild. There really is no discussion, Mr. House is the most badass person in the Fallout universe.
Paid for by Robert House for President, 2281.