Most Badass Person in the Mojave (Spoilers for DLC character

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:22 am

Most Badass Person in the Mojave

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maya papps
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:04 am

I sort of feel odd trying to put the Courier OR Joshua Graham on top of the list. BOTH have been through multiple events that should've killed them. It's like trying to argue if you're more badass for falling off a building while on fire than you are for getting shot twice in the head at point-blank range; how the HELL would we know? :D

It's like a lot of the other characters in the game have done one action that's gained them badass status, but the Courier and Graham have each done 5+ actions that would earn them badass status. Kinda hard to say whose actions deserve more credit.

i put Joshua over the Courier just because joshua never screamed out in pain, while im pretty sure our courier woulda been hollaing for help if he wasnt gagged. But man, i was so hoping for Joshua to say a certain line outta the Bible that i think i woulda have creamed myself hearing him say it before the last fight. Psalms 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.....and then added hsi own lil something. lol alas i was stillimpressed with him, but took a couple of playthrus.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:59 am

1) Joshua Graham

2) Lanius (the guy can fight, and please don't talk about how you killed with him with your overpowered weapons)

3) Ulysses

4) Orion Moreno

5) Courier 6 or Dead Sea
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Cat Haines
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:29 am

Hard to say... all of the characters mentioned are badass in they're own right.

I find it funny though, imagining the scene with crazy ol' Elijah shooting Dr. 8.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:45 am

3 words: [censored] Joshua Graham
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:26 am

I think it's funny how many people vote for Joshua Graham. Okay, being set on fire, thrown down into the Grand Canyon and actually surviving is impressive. What's less impressive, though, is allowing an old fragile man like Caesar and his tribal dogs to catch you and actually do that to you. He wants nothing more than revenge on Caesar. Okay. Do it already, kill the old bald guy with his flashy power fist. But he doesn't, he is instead wasting his time hanging around even more tribal losers, teaching them the "Way of the Canaanite", which is actually just shooting a .45 pistol, apparently.

Okay, to be fair, I actually like Graham. But he's just a man, with many, many traumas and weaknessess.

Although, there is hope, dear America. There is indeed a man worthy of the title "Most Badass Person in the Mojave".

His name. Robert Edwin House. Saving Vegas from nuclear annihilation, reshaping tribals into actual civilized people, using the Old World technology (that he actually designed himself, mind you) to restore Vegas to it's former glory. Not to mention: In 100 years, Graham, Caesar, Courier 6, Lanius, Kimball, Raul, Elijah; they'll all be dead. Not Robert House. He'll be there, leading the revived New Vegas into an era of wealth, success, safety, space exploration, and a true chance for humanity to rebuild. There really is no discussion, Mr. House is the most badass person in the Fallout universe.

Paid for by Robert House for President, 2281.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:42 am

Have to admit, House does deserve credit.

He's not your typical "I can get the [censored] beat out of me and survive" type of badass where you don't wanna mess with him, or the "hey Elijah: 37 gold bars. See ya!" sort of badass where he takes a huge risk and manages to succeed thanks to incredible cunning and skill, but rather the sort of badass where if he puts his mind to it, he'll get it done. That man basically fended off the apocalypse. Just because he probably wasn't as physically strong, durable, quick or cunning as the Courier, Graham, Raul or Ulysses though doesn't mean he's not a badass in his own right.
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Isabella X
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:29 pm

I think it's funny how many people vote for Joshua Graham. Okay, being set on fire, thrown down into the Grand Canyon and actually surviving is impressive. What's less impressive, though, is allowing an old fragile man like Caesar and his tribal dogs to catch you and actually do that to you. He wants nothing more than revenge on Caesar. Okay. Do it already, kill the old bald guy with his flashy power fist. But he doesn't, he is instead wasting his time hanging around even more tribal losers, teaching them the "Way of the Canaanite", which is actually just shooting a .45 pistol, apparently.

Okay, to be fair, I actually like Graham. But he's just a man, with many, many traumas and weaknessess.

Although, there is hope, dear America. There is indeed a man worthy of the title "Most Badass Person in the Mojave".

His name. Robert Edwin House. Saving Vegas from nuclear annihilation, reshaping tribals into actual civilized people, using the Old World technology (that he actually designed himself, mind you) to restore Vegas to it's former glory. Not to mention: In 100 years, Graham, Caesar, Courier 6, Lanius, Kimball, Raul, Elijah; they'll all be dead. Not Robert House. He'll be there, leading the revived New Vegas into an era of wealth, success, safety, space exploration, and a true chance for humanity to rebuild. There really is no discussion, Mr. House is the most badass person in the Fallout universe.

Paid for by Robert House for President, 2281.

He was recovering and then he began to care about Zion and those who live.

All he wants to do right now is survive and reconnect with his God.

I am a House supporter and I have to say he is the most badass behind the desk leader.

Have to admit, House does deserve credit.

He's not your typical "I can get the [censored] beat out of me and survive" type of badass where you don't wanna mess with him, or the "hey Elijah: 37 gold bars. See ya!" sort of badass where he takes a huge risk and manages to succeed thanks to incredible cunning and skill, but rather the sort of badass where if he puts his mind to it, he'll get it done. That man basically fended off the apocalypse. Just because he probably wasn't as physically strong, durable, quick or cunning as the Courier, Graham, Raul or Ulysses though doesn't mean he's not a badass in his own right.

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Guy Pearce
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:34 am

In no particular order:

The NCR Veteran Ranger Commander, Joshua Graham, Ulysses, Elijah, Orion Moreno, Legate Lanius, Elder McNamara, Cannibal Johnson, Col. Moore, Head Paladin Hardin, and Raul.
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Erin S
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:09 am

I think it's funny how many people vote for Joshua Graham. Okay, being set on fire, thrown down into the Grand Canyon and actually surviving is impressive. What's less impressive, though, is allowing an old fragile man like Caesar and his tribal dogs to catch you and actually do that to you. He wants nothing more than revenge on Caesar. Okay. Do it already, kill the old bald guy with his flashy power fist. But he doesn't, he is instead wasting his time hanging around even more tribal losers, teaching them the "Way of the Canaanite", which is actually just shooting a .45 pistol, apparently.

Okay, to be fair, I actually like Graham. But he's just a man, with many, many traumas and weaknessess.

Although, there is hope, dear America. There is indeed a man worthy of the title "Most Badass Person in the Mojave".

His name. Robert Edwin House. Saving Vegas from nuclear annihilation, reshaping tribals into actual civilized people, using the Old World technology (that he actually designed himself, mind you) to restore Vegas to it's former glory. Not to mention: In 100 years, Graham, Caesar, Courier 6, Lanius, Kimball, Raul, Elijah; they'll all be dead. Not Robert House. He'll be there, leading the revived New Vegas into an era of wealth, success, safety, space exploration, and a true chance for humanity to rebuild. There really is no discussion, Mr. House is the most badass person in the Fallout universe.

Paid for by Robert House for President, 2281.

We don't know how exactly they captured Graham initially, but these "tribal dogs" are pretty tough. The Praetorian Guards are pretty badass themselves, and there could have been like 20 of them. You can't really blame Graham for that. And going to kill Caesar isn't as easy for him as it would be for the courier. Do you think he can just go to Cottonwood Cove and ask for a ride to the Fort? He could make a boat I guess, but he might not know 1) how to get there and 2) and to drive a boat.

And I wouldn't really call House a "badass". He is certainly impressive, but I don't think badass is a good word to describe him.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:02 am

as far as catching him..ialways thought he had come back to ceaser, pretty much told how he failed and ceaser then and there or while joshua was still in camp was then covered etc etc.
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:06 am

Fantastic he has the whole NCR svckling his teats... and he likes it.

The man has the biggest balls in all the Mojave, and the best lines... "They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard!" "Guess who just got promoted to the [censored] dam God?"
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:23 am

And he has a theoretical degree in physics.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:06 am

Red Lucy
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:29 am

House is pretty epic,but the "badass" label does not suit him.

I'd say Graham yes,as others have said,not many would survive that.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:46 pm

Christine is pretty badass. Torture, brain damage, getting vocal chords ripped out, and still going.
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 2:24 am

Boxcars. He shows some balls even after having his legs broken can coming face to face with Powderganger's Grim reaper.

Scrambler. Simply badass.

Cook-cook. A rapist-cook-pyromaniac.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 1:06 pm

Boxcars. He shows some balls even after having his legs broken can coming face to face with Powderganger's Grim reaper.
And has the superhuman power of standing up and putting a fight when provoked, despite aforementioned leg damage.
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louise fortin
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 10:59 pm

And has the superhuman power of standing up and putting a fight when provoked, despite aforementioned leg damage.

I think this thread has found it's winner.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Sun May 06, 2012 11:01 pm

Already mentioned, but definitely Graham, the Courier, Ulysses, Boone.

But one that people are leaving out for sure, Randall Clark. Straight up badass.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:58 am

ED-E, although not a person, can prevent nuclear holocaust, survive getting set on fire, shot in the head, and after crossing America.

It doesn't want to take over or destroy the Mojave either.

Pray it never does.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:23 pm

Joshua Graham, Caesar, Vulpes, Lanius, Ulysses. All the Legion :D
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 12:48 pm

Joshua Graham, Caesar, Vulpes, Lanius, Ulysses. All the Legion :D
I must say the Legion without a doubt has some of the most badass (former) members in the game. No such thing for the NCR though. The most they have is Col. Moore, "survived four tours against the Brotherhood back west". Even the BoS have very impressing characters with Elijah and Christine.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:49 am

I must say the Legion without a doubt has some of the most badass (former) members in the game. No such thing for the NCR though. The most they have is Col. Moore, "survived four tours against the Brotherhood back west". Even the BoS have very impressing characters with Elijah and Christine.
Yeah every faction has a cool/great charcter but none compare to the sheer awesomeness of the Legion characters. :D
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 4:24 am

Yeah every faction has a cool/great charcter but none compare to the sheer awesomeness of the Legion characters. :D

That's because of the Legion's culture. They stick you on the front lines with a friggin' sword and you either adapt to survive or you die. Those that do survive are just far better, faster, stronger and smarter than most. Compare that to how the NCR trains people: two weeks of training, here's your armor and a decent gun. The Rangers are well trained and badasses in their own right, but their importance, influence and responsibility in the war is downplayed due to....politics. And hell, even the BoS: yes they have high tech weaponry and armor, but that's it. Other than that, they train in virtual reality simulators, don't appear to have any basic training beyond training with power armor and high tech weaponry (so no extensive basic training to improve their fitness like the Legion, where you can see Legion tots running laps up and down a hill all day), so while they definitely aren't threatening, they fall behind in hands-on training.

I still say the Courier, Joshua Graham and Boxcars are the most badass though. The Courier has done and survived all sorts of stuff, Graham has done the same, and Boxcars got his legs beaten up and just doesn't give a [censored]. :D
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