1. Mr. House: People won't necessarily call him "badass", but that's exactly what he is. People, compare DC to Vegas. Yeah. That's the result of Mr. House being an absolute f**king genius and shielding most of vegas from warheads. Oh, he's also two-hundred sixty something years old, and he also has millions of caps in his pocket. Not to mention the NCR kissing his ass because of his tactics in renovating Vegas. Oh, and if you help him, and activate his army under the fort, he pushes an army the size of the NCR's back to where they came from.
2. Ulysses: His journey is just incredible. All that he has been through and all that he has seen. Not to mention, if it wasn't for the courier's interference he could've destroyed just about everything.
3. Dean Domino: Come on people. He is just an awesome character. Big-shot performer before the war, and now a lethal kick-ass ghoul in a suit with a pistol.
4. Your Brain: Haha I just loved this one. I couldn't stop laughing after I was finished talking to it.
5. Probably ED-E: *Spoiler* He has traveled thousands of miles west because his master told him to, he is delivered to the divide by the courier, which causes the entire place to get nuked, then he does the honorable deed of sacrificing himself if you chose *spoiler* not to launch any of the nukes.
Others include Vendortron, Raul, Boone, Lanius, Graham, and Dog/God.
If Desmond was in this game, he'd be in first place though.