Practical - not always.
My character build needs chems to be baddass (especially turbo). Fortunately that OWB perk gives me limitless amounts of turbo but I need other chems to deal absorb the damage (I roll with light armour, hardcoe mode).
Without chems my girlie is dead and thus not baddass.
Hey, alive is alive.
I play Dead is Dead and I've had two "badass" characters die. One was an NCR playthrough, the other was Legion. The NCR playthrough was badass because he was experienced with every gun, had a build that made VATS useful, had INCREDIBLE offensive capabilities (AMR, Riot shotgun with shotgun surgeon and And Stay Back, Light with Grunt and hand loader ammo, Survivalist's Rifle) and reloaded quick as possible. Ended up dying because, ironically, a gun jammed while reloading.
The other, a Legionnaire, was an expert in unarmed and melee combat, but also had a hunting rifle for range. Anything that got within three feet of him? Dead. I also kicked the Turbo habit for this character, not using drugs or meds, relying only upon my own cunning and food items. This character felt badass because he was strong: my NCR character would be nothing without his guns or meds, but this character could survive without anything but his fists. I also had to really think and use every resource I had, and EVERY shot had to count. I think my accuracy was at it's highest while playing this character. Killed Chief Hanlon without a death, killed the President without failure, regularly killed NCR Ranger vets to steal their AMRs. But one day I had about 75-85% maximum health and an NCR ranger vet got a headshot crit with an AMR. Had he used Turbo, Med-x, Slasher or stimpacks, he could've survived that.
My only living character is my Courier Six, who has talents everywhere. Mysterious Stranger and Lady Luck following him, Paralyzing Palm but no Super Slam, Rapid Reload and Gunslinger but no other accuracy bonuses, Fast Shot and Heavy Handed, Cowboy and Hand Loader ammo, with the only two consistencys of him being that I have the vast majority of the Luck/Endurance perks. Compared to the others, this character can feel boring. He's a jack of all trades but king of none, and yet he's the one to survive.
That's sorta why I asked if everyone's badass weapon was also their most practical: My Courier Six may not feel like the most badass character when he uses a thrown-together strategy of Slasher + Turbo + Brush gun + Pushy + Stims + Bloatfly miniburgers rather than an absolutely devistating assault with just Light or a Ballistic fist alone, but by the end of the day he's the one that's still kicking.