Most dissapointind discovery in a tes game

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm

So six-nipbled hairy khajiits is what we need then....well...oh forget it, just give them the damn legs back.
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carley moss
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:11 am

I just didnt like that I couldn't get them in a shape i liked because facegen kept snapping my sliders back and forth and i really coudln't edit the eyes, i wanted them to look more sidewards instead of streight frontal. All in all their faces where just to FLAT for my taste. And that i couldn't get that bump in the back of the head away or at least make it flow with the shape of the head better.
I didn't mind the briasts on female argonians, made it a bit easier to tell male and female ones apart, but also wouldn't mind if they did them without it, this should actually be a option when editing your characters body (which AGAIN should be possible).

They should go with a suggestion i made and have more than ONE base for the heads again, have 3 bases that look very different and let us edit from THAT base instead of just one base head that only looks stretched and squished like a rubber mask.

I'd suggest randomizing faces until you get your preferred structure, and then messing with the sliders.

Yes, in general I'd prefer it if none of the beast races had briasts. However, it's slightly more forgivable for a Khajiit as they almost certainly lactate. Reptiles, of course, do not.

That being said, it's always bugged me that Orcs have the same bodies as their counterparts, as well. Orc men are muscular enough, but the women are practically wisps. I'd like to see a little more meat on those bones, personally.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm

It's worth noting that a Khajiit is not a cat, and an argonian is not a lizard. They're both very humanoid, and it makes sense that they'd share characetristics.

I think the briasts make sense with Khajiits. Human and cat are both at least mammal, and so they would need to briast feed.. and, having two rather than six doesn't seem too far of a stretch, considering all their other human characteristics (standing upright, opposable thumbs, etc).

It's less forgivable with argonians, since I don't think anything that hatches from an egg briast feeds.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:32 pm

I'd suggest randomizing faces until you get your preferred structure, and then messing with the sliders.

Yes, in general I'd prefer it if none of the beast races had briasts. However, it's slightly more forgivable for a Khajiit as they almost certainly lactate. Reptiles, of course, do not.

That being said, it's always bugged me that Orcs have the same bodies as their counterparts, as well. Orc men are muscular enough, but the women are practically wisps. I'd like to see a little more meat on those bones, personally.

Well in general you could say it was dissapointing how little difference there really was between the races and how little you could do to edit them.

Thought with me i still gotta say, among other things, the Argonian design was the biggest dissapointment in my book.

It's worth noting that a Khajiit is not a cat, and an argonian is not a lizard. They're both very humanoid, and it makes sense that they'd share characetristics.

I think the briasts make sense with Khajiits. Human and cat are both at least mammal, and so they would need to briast feed.. and, having two rather than six doesn't seem too far of a stretch, considering all their other human characteristics (standing upright, opposable thumbs, etc).

It's less forgivable with argonians, since I don't think anything that hatches from an egg briast feeds.

Well it could be argued that Argonians are descendants of humans that got transformed into their current shape over the centuries of contact with the hist trees so it might just be a evolutionarry leftover (like the appendix). But as mentioned hat point isn't that important i think, they should just give use more editing options and allow us to LOCK sliders in facegen.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:39 pm

Well in general you could say it was dissapointing how little difference there really was between the races and how little you could do to edit them.

Thought with me i still gotta say, among other things, the Argonian design was the biggest dissapointment in my book.

Well it could be argued that Argonians are descendants of humans that got transformed into their current shape over the centuries of contact with the hist trees so it might just be a evolutionarry leftover (like the appendix). But as mentioned hat point isn't that important i think, they should just give use more editing options and allow us to LOCK sliders in facegen.

Cyrodiil was inhabited by the beastfolk before even the Aldmeri arrived there, so it's a fair bet that Khajiit and Argonians aren't desended from man or mer.

Argonians may not be lizards, per se, but they are obviously reptiles. Their degree of resemblance to man seems to depend on their exposure to Hist sap.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 pm

I was about to post that mother cats definitely do, but then I realised we're discussing cat boobs.

So six-nipbled hairy khajiits is what we need then....well...oh forget it, just give them the damn legs back.

This is the supreme weirdness in this thread.
Does it really matter how many boobs a khajitt has really?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:08 pm

Cyrodiil was inhabited by the beastfolk before even the Aldmeri arrived there, so it's a fair bet that Khajiit and Argonians aren't desended from man or mer.

Argonians may not be lizards, per se, but they are obviously reptiles. Their degree of resemblance to man seems to depend on their exposure to Hist sap.

Not to nag really but how did we got from the bad design to be stuck on BOOBS now? My call, briast talk over from this line down here

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:24 am

One of the disappointments I remember from Morrowind was Moon-And-Star. This ring is supposed to have epic mythical powers of persuasion, and what does it do? Adds a measly 5 points to your Speechcraft skill. Cop-out of the century.

As far as Oblivion goes, the King of Worms was a huge let-down, but I maintain that is the truth of it :P


Your right that is a lack of imagination the developers had when deciting his name.

I used to mock the name choice mercilessly until I realised it was probably a play on
, and promptly felt embarrassed for not having caught it sooner. Whoops.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:39 pm

One of the disappointments I remember from Morrowind was Moon-And-Star. This ring is supposed to have epic mythical powers of persuasion, and what does it do? Adds a measly 5 points to your Speechcraft skill. Cop-out of the century.

As far as Oblivion goes, the King of Worms was a huge let-down, but I maintain that is the truth of it :P

I used to mock the name choice mercilessly until I realised it was probably a play on
, and promptly felt embarrassed for not having caught it sooner. Whoops.

That was awesome. O_O

I have to agree after reading lore on mannimarco.....
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 am

The Oblivion realms. After all the lore behind it from previous games and the very different planes there were supposed to be for each prince, it was a huge disappointment to see that Bethesda depicted them as a generic 'hell' with little variation.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:53 am

The Oblivion realms. After all the lore behind it from previous games and the very different planes there were supposed to be for each prince, it was a huge disappointment to see that Bethesda depicted them as a generic 'hell' with little variation.

Yeah it was weird Boethiah, periyte and dagon's (did i miss some) realms all looked the same.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:15 pm

The Oblivion realms. After all the lore behind it from previous games and the very different planes there were supposed to be for each prince, it was a huge disappointment to see that Bethesda depicted them as a generic 'hell' with little variation.

Most of the realms were supposed to be in the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's realm. Given he's an unsubtle destroyer with a penchant for natural disasters, I thought that the "traditional" hell look fitted him pretty well.

As for the realms of Peryite and Boethiah, I think Bethesda didn't want to create a bunch of new textures, weathers, skies, etc for two sidequests. Even the realm in A Brush with Death was pretty simple. I'm not saying it was the best choice or the worst, I'm just trying to come up with why it's the way it is.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:49 pm

Most of the realms were supposed to be in the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's realm. Given he's an unsubtle destroyer with a penchant for natural disasters, I thought that the "traditional" hell look fitted him pretty well.

As for the realms of Peryite and Boethiah, I think Bethesda didn't want to create a bunch of new textures, weathers, skies, etc for two sidequests. Even the realm in A Brush with Death was pretty simple. I'm not saying it was the best choice or the worst, I'm just trying to come up with why it's the way it is.

I think the problem is that while YEA they are in the same realm they still looked too similar, plus they had dozens of Oblivion gates but only 5 or so different Oblivion worlds so you quickly ran into duplicates. In the end it just looked kinda lazy, plus they could have really done more than fire and lava.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 pm

I think the problem is that while YEA they are in the same realm they still looked too similar, plus they had dozens of Oblivion gates but only 5 or so different Oblivion worlds so you quickly ran into duplicates. In the end it just looked kinda lazy, plus they could have really done more than fire and lava.

Well always look on the bright side of life.

At least the architecture was interesting.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:34 pm

I think the problem is that while YEA they are in the same realm they still looked too similar, plus they had dozens of Oblivion gates but only 5 or so different Oblivion worlds so you quickly ran into duplicates. In the end it just looked kinda lazy, plus they could have really done more than fire and lava.

I think a lot of it is due to the fact that putting a unique Oblivion Realm in every potential gate was a bit too much work, since most of the gates open randomly. As for the lava, I figure it was there partially to hide the borders, and partially because of how far the draw distance in Oblivion was.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:48 am

When I found out that dungeons were just the same design with the "copy" and "paste" method.

Finding out that the dremora were weak!

Absorlutely NOTHING to spend gold on, except for houses.

Finding out that being high lvl is actually not rewarding - Killing Gobling = 10 minute long fight.

When enemiers flee from me! Serusely, how many times have you tried to get a mage or archer against a cornor, just so they have a harder chance of fleeing.

I doesent look real when hitting a person.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 pm

Most disappointing discovery:
Martin's deus ex machina moment. Dang it, I should be the hero, after running around half of Cyrodiil to get the loser random crap he's too lazy to fetch himself.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 am

Oh just remembered one that really bugged me in Oblivion.

Finding out i could do NOTHING against the countess out Leyawiin to get her for torturing Argonians for fun.
Honestly i was ANGRY, the game has so cemented "morals" but you could do nothing against that child of a female dog for that? Hell you couldn't even KILL her for most part of the game as she's flagged as essential, you could after a cerain point but it didn't feel like payback for what she did.
Sure there was that one quest by Sanguine but that just embarassed her.

Why was there no quest to get her ass handed to her like gathering a mob to throw her off the throne or force her to abdicate from her position... or hell use wabbajack on her to turn her into an argonien and throw her in her own torture cell, all would hav been better than being able to do NOTHING.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 pm

Most disappointing discovery:
Martin's deus ex machina moment. Dang it, I should be the hero, after running around half of Cyrodiil to get the loser random crap he's too lazy to fetch himself.

Yes. I wanted to beat the [censored] out of Dagon until he told me I was better. I wanted to hand Dagon's ass back to him-- literally, even if it took wheelbarrows and a troop of men to haul it back to him.

I couldn't get to Jauffre in time to save him... I wanted blood. He was my favorite NPC ever.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 pm

Oh just remembered one that really bugged me in Oblivion.

Finding out i could do NOTHING against the countess out Leyawiin to get her for torturing Argonians for fun.
Honestly i was ANGRY, the game has so cemented "morals" but you could do nothing against that child of a female dog for that? Hell you couldn't even KILL her for most part of the game as she's flagged as essential, you could after a cerain point but it didn't feel like payback for what she did.
Sure there was that one quest by Sanguine but that just embarassed her.

Why was there no quest to get her ass handed to her like gathering a mob to throw her off the throne or force her to abdicate from her position... or hell use wabbajack on her to turn her into an argonien and throw her in her own torture cell, all would hav been better than being able to do NOTHING.

im thinking dethroning or calling the dark brotherhood. heh heh, i remember when i found out she tortured argonians (and when i found their bones :flame: ) id steal her possessions and trash her keep. but seriously though, you should be able to do something like that. there was a little bit of a lack of options in oblivion...

and in morrowind, my worst discovery was when i found out that having no fatigue makes you cliff racer bait; especially when you havent saved for 20 minutes
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:42 am

Quite an interesting topic TBH. Change is good :) .


I'll try to remember the disappointing discoveries from my first time playing. Although I can't remember that time well because it was like 6-7 years ago, but I'll do my best.

- Combat: Alright. So you just came off the boat, dropped into this huge world, given freedom and the chance to do whatever you want to do and go wherever you want to go. You give fargoth his ring, buy a fancy weapon from Arrile, then walk around Seyda Neen to find this weird, vile creature(Mudcrab). You draw your fancy weapon and attack it, but, nothing happens. No matter how hard and quick you swing your weapon it doesn't seem to hurt it. Hit chance and a clunky and boring combat system were some of Morrowind greatest shortcomings.

- No magicka regeneration: Most players were disappointed by this fact. It's probably why I never made a caster-oriented character.

- Discovering that some slaves cannot be freed: Well, not really a big disappointment but I really felt sorry for them :( .

- The mess that is the end of Tribunal's MQ: Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Tribunal's main quest alot. But the end ... was disappointing for me.
Finding out that Sotha Sil was killed by Almalexia, then killing her myself ... I wish it came to a better conclusion. What's more annoying is the fact that no one will believe you if you tell them what happened except King Helseth.

As for Oblivion:

- Finding a dwemer armor piece: That's not disappointing of course. The disappointing fact is that after a few more levels every single marauder will have a full set of it. Makes you lose the sense of epicness :(. In other words, scaling was bad in OB.

- Combat, again: It's just not as good as it looks like. And It gets too repetitive or takes too long later in higher levels. Probably because of the scaling as well.

One thing I find disappointing in ALL TES games is the lack of depth in characters and their personalities. I didn't really feel attached to any TES character, save maybe Caius Cosades,
but he leaves halfway through the MQ so ...
. And MAAAAAAYYYYBBEE Martin Septim,
but he dies\turns into a stone\goes to heaven or whatever in the end
. No romantic relationships with anyone whatsoever, not a good and faithful friendly companion that helps you(don't mention the adoring fan please :P), not a competitive rival you keep running into, nothing.

And the rumor I heard about the next TES game taking place many decades after the oblivion crisis, which means that many characters in OB and MW will probably be dead by then. Meh.

/yawn , I'm too tired to type anymore. :snoring:
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

What in the hell are you talking about.
First of all, don't punish us with a misspelled topic name. The least you could do is check it before making it permanent.

In Morrowind, especially through soultrap glitching, you can become more powerful than a god. What's so difficult to understand about that? What were you hoping for, a joinable faction called Dieties & Demigods?

In Oblivion, due to the customizing sliders, I have made some seriously butt-ass ugly orcs. Were you trying to say that it happens to you on accident, when you're trying to look good, or you're disappointed that you can't get any uglier ... ?
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 pm

My most disappointing moment was having dagoth_jeff lash out angrily in a forum thread.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:41 pm

I'm not angry, man. I'm just trying to make sense of it.
Is it TES bashing, or what. The OP had a couple statements at the beginning that didn't make much sense.

... for some reason we get punished one of these things was the claim that you could become a god in morrowind another was having to make your self look like an orcs rearside at the end of the dungeon in oblivion.

So I'm trying to narrow it down to what he's trying to say. I'm seeing just a tad bit of confusion here.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 pm

Morrowind - sometimes the enemies stop fighting or they run and stop just before you.
Oblivion - :wacko: lets say that you will never find a imperial bandit.
Both - I really hate the way the NPCs hold two handed weapons especially axes and warhammers.
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