Quite an interesting topic TBH. Change is good

I'll try to remember the disappointing discoveries from my first time playing. Although I can't remember that time well because it was like 6-7 years ago, but I'll do my best.
- Combat: Alright. So you just came off the boat, dropped into this huge world, given freedom and the chance to do whatever you want to do and go wherever you want to go. You give fargoth his ring, buy a fancy weapon from Arrile, then walk around Seyda Neen to find this weird, vile creature(Mudcrab). You draw your fancy weapon and attack it, but, nothing happens. No matter how hard and quick you swing your weapon it doesn't seem to hurt it. Hit chance and a clunky and boring combat system were some of Morrowind greatest shortcomings.
- No magicka regeneration: Most players were disappointed by this fact. It's probably why I never made a caster-oriented character.
- Discovering that some slaves cannot be freed: Well, not really a big disappointment but I really felt sorry for them

- The mess that is the end of Tribunal's MQ: Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Tribunal's main quest alot. But the end ... was disappointing for me.
Spoiler Finding out that Sotha Sil was killed by Almalexia, then killing her myself ... I wish it came to a better conclusion. What's more annoying is the fact that no one will believe you if you tell them what happened except King Helseth.
As for Oblivion:
- Finding a dwemer armor piece: That's not disappointing of course. The disappointing fact is that after a few more levels every single marauder will have a full set of it. Makes you lose the sense of epicness

. In other words, scaling was bad in OB.
- Combat, again: It's just not as good as it looks like. And It gets too repetitive or takes too long later in higher levels. Probably because of the scaling as well.
One thing I find disappointing in ALL TES games is the lack of depth in characters and their personalities. I didn't really feel attached to any TES character, save maybe Caius Cosades,
Spoiler but he leaves halfway through the MQ so ...
. And MAAAAAAYYYYBBEE Martin Septim,
Spoiler but he dies\turns into a stone\goes to heaven or whatever in the end
. No romantic relationships with anyone whatsoever, not a good and faithful friendly companion that helps you(don't mention the adoring fan please

), not a competitive rival you keep running into, nothing.
And the rumor I heard about the next TES game taking place many decades after the oblivion crisis, which means that many characters in OB and MW will probably be dead by then. Meh.
/yawn , I'm too tired to type anymore. :snoring: