I chose to go left, when low and behold I see a group of 4 orcs slowly walk towards me, "gee this ought to be interesting" I said to myself because they didnt seem hostile. While walking up slowly to the Orcs I hear one of them said "stop not any further friend" (or something along those lines.) I could tell this group wanted trouble, but whatever. at this point not sure if I want to fight or not I turn around to head down the other fork in the road.. when I notice 4 or 5 thugs all in armor walking towards me.
So at this point I have a group of angry orcs, and a group of hired thugs wanting to "teach me a lesson" as they put it.. both closeing in, trapped and surrounded, no where to go. I luckily have kept my head on straight and didn't panic, however.. I cannot say the same for my companion who has the attitude of "less talk more asskicking"
regardless to say, as soon as he unholstered his weapon the battle started. and I must say it was friggin epic! not one of those "take on a dragon, or even a few bears at the same time" kind of epic, but this was a "holy [censored] alot of blood is going to be spilled tonight" kind of EPIC.
this is just one of the reasons I LOVE this game. , does anyone else have an awesome encounters like this they would like to share???