Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:26 am

Sooo my companion (who is a warrior type) and I were just walking down a simple road minding our own business, surrounded by a cluster of mountains on both sides.. when the road sudden forks. I can go left or right..

I chose to go left, when low and behold I see a group of 4 orcs slowly walk towards me, "gee this ought to be interesting" I said to myself because they didnt seem hostile. While walking up slowly to the Orcs I hear one of them said "stop not any further friend" (or something along those lines.) I could tell this group wanted trouble, but whatever. at this point not sure if I want to fight or not I turn around to head down the other fork in the road.. when I notice 4 or 5 thugs all in armor walking towards me.

So at this point I have a group of angry orcs, and a group of hired thugs wanting to "teach me a lesson" as they put it.. both closeing in, trapped and surrounded, no where to go. I luckily have kept my head on straight and didn't panic, however.. I cannot say the same for my companion who has the attitude of "less talk more asskicking"

regardless to say, as soon as he unholstered his weapon the battle started. and I must say it was friggin epic! not one of those "take on a dragon, or even a few bears at the same time" kind of epic, but this was a "holy [censored] alot of blood is going to be spilled tonight" kind of EPIC.

this is just one of the reasons I LOVE this game. , does anyone else have an awesome encounters like this they would like to share???
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:59 pm

i like your friend's mentality :biggrin:
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Connor Wing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:00 pm

It's not quite a good of a story as you have OP, but I ran into a mad woman running full bore towards Windhelm. Once i caught up with her I asked her if she was alright, she replied no, that she had just got bitten by a vampire and needed a healing potion. Since I had used all mine up fighting a dragon (low level, and not very strong yet) I had to tell her no I hadn't any potions for her. Again she ran off like a mad woman only to never be seen again. Sometimes i wonder if she had made it to that shrine she was going to pray at in time.

That's one of the reasons why I like this game.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:24 am

A dragon fell from the sky and died
I didn't touch him
I got free dragon soul
Long live glitches
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:07 pm

I love all of these stories! Maybe the one dragon flew into a giant window and passed out like a little birdie? You just happened to steal his soul while he was sleeping lazily on the street?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:06 am

2 dragons, 1 hagraven and more than 10 forsworn.

that was epic...

I was doing MQ with Esbern and Delphine.

And I had a companion with me...
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:12 pm

For me an orc on the road was trying to sell me skooma as as we were talking a saber tooth cat attacked him. I killed it and politely refused buying drugs from him and sent him on his way

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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:57 am

I randomly saw Alduin in the mountains the other night and about had to change my pants. :lol:

I'm pretty sure it was him anyways. It was black and spiky like him.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:17 pm

That's really cool dude.. Hope you like my EPIC Random "Encounter".


So i think most of you when exploring saw an attacked caravan, right ? By attacked i mean that their owners are dead in the floor, and the horse is dead..

BUT, this time it was diferent,
When i stopped there to see what happened, i saw some FALMER Arrows in the floor and some stuch in their (Caravan owners) corpse, that's right, i said FALMER Arrows ! The falmer are attacking ? perhaps yes, perhaps not...
Also when i stopped there, i searched their bodies to see if i could find any information, and i found a Journal which was written some interesting stuff. I took a screenshot, take a look. Read it.
And also look this one which you can see the Falmer Arrows and the Attacked Caravan.

If you pay attention to the Journal, you'll see that She mentioned Goblins, which may be the Falmer !

A few minutes after this, you guys wouldn't believe in what i found !

So, after reading that Journal and seeing those Falmer Arrows, i was continuing to explore, but THEN, i saw a cave, and decided to enter, inside that cave i found lots of spiders, then going more deeply int othe cave i found some Falmers !! I found their "camp" and lots of them... So it seems that Falmers aren't just in Dwemer Ruins or very deep in the Ruins... i could found some of them in a Cave.. And inside that cave, i also found some Adventurer Corpses which have Falmer Arrows stuck in their corpses..

Omg this game keeps impressing me...

Want a hint ? Just because the journal you looted doesn't activated a quest, doesn't means that there ain't content, interesting content there for you to find out. Read the Journals !

I looted a Journal in that caravan, and by my curiosity it led me inside a cave, that wasn't marked as a quest or nothing else. I was so intrigued about that caravan with falmer arrows on the floor and on the corpses, that i started to take a look around, then my curiosity led me into that cave which was the very cave where the Falmers were !
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:39 pm

I was once walking in the woods, and came across 2 bandits who hadn't noticed at me yet, they were standing still looking at something on the ground, I snuck closer to get a closer look but they caught me, and a battle begun. after using my calm spell on them I got closer only to realize that what they were gawking at was a dead breton woman.. and she was naked. (as naked as you can get anyways)..

I thought to myself "SICK BASTARDS" and burnt them both to a crisp. :flamethrower:
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:03 am

random civi war?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 pm

This was when I first started out and just barely walked out of Whiterun. I was walking as usual then I hear a dragon, thinking oh crap, a dragon, I'll die, I ran like mad. Just were did I end up you may ask, well, I ended up in a giant encampment. That's when the dragon landed. However, the dragon began attacking a Mammoth, it was one on one, the victor, none other than the mammoth, since that day I have vowed never to kill a mammoth.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:09 pm

Not very epic (my tale) but somewhere between Whiterun & Riverwood (i was heading to the latter) i saw two people standing there by some trees very near to the cabin 'o this old lady that wanted to start the coven! So i close in on them, no weapons out and slowly walking and all of a sudden they yell: "another fell for our ruse" and attacked me, a vampire and his thrall! :nod:

As a socalled "undead" hunter i was thriller to NOT find my first vampire in a cave but out in the open under the starlit sky...
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:02 am

My most epic random occurrence was when I was trying to hide from an elder dragon. I'm a dual wielder with no other options against dragons other than to go toe to toe. Thinking I'd sneak off and head back to town so I could get some resistance armor/potions I snuck off down the road hoping to get far enough away to fast travel. Coming upon two wolves chillin on the side I pulled out my daggers and prepared to get some pelts. Right when I went to back stab the first one, I hear the dragon and then BOOM it drops a [censored] horse right in front of me. Scared the bajesus out of me. I never knew that [censored] was possible in this game.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:13 am

Nothing epic, I was a low level Redguard on a treasure hunt (those maps svck). This Mage starts attacking me, I think he was at a shrine or something. I'm running and just about dead when I run through an Imperial camp.
They killed him and I had the spoils.
I never did find that treasure.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:28 am

i was doing a dungeon and it was on the way to the exit, somehow there was one more enemy left and we fought for a while this guy was tough
i retreated a bit to gain stamina
then it happened, i took an arrow in the knee
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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:15 am

holy i had an experience at that EXACT the daytime.. I walked up to a small little shack with a very old lady sitting out on the porch. she was nice but didn't offer anything other than telling me she was just a "very old boring woman" so I walked inside. seemed normal, like any shack should be. until I found the trap door leading to the basemant. filled with TONS of alchemical ingrediants, a place to brew potions and an enchanting table. I thought to myself "damn whats this old lady up too" I found a journal on the table, it talked about a letter she sent to her daughter in another city, she had wanted her daughter to come out and recognize her true power, by joining her coven." at this point i'm like "wtf?" so I left the basemant, and left the house.

When I stepped outside I met a very angry old lady.. who just so happened to be very skilled with fireballs :o

this caught me off guard and almost killed me, however when the tables turned and she layeth down in the tall grass, I couldnt help but wonder "jeez what thas that all about?"
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:10 pm

i seen three drunk nords asking me to drink with them
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:11 am

I was walking around, dragons not active yet, and heard something BIG... like a dragon. I couldn't find it, but I could swear the sound was coming from under the ground. I was within an arched arrow shot of one of those dragon stumps in the ground. It was very odd, kept expecting the ground to explode and a dragon pop out. It was by a river in the middle of no where west of whiterun.

On the Alduin note, he is traveling around waking up dragons so probably was him. The good news is that he doesn't attack you.

Had another encounter that was more of a glitch. A snow bear popped out of no where(or i wasn't paying attention), and being a lower level at the time I summoned a flame atronach and ran for a river. Well he jumped at me and ended up in the river with me. Then the flame atronach followed us into the water. She stood on top of the bear's head... and he slowly burned to death while under water.

Worst encounter was finding a vampire fighting 4 vigilants of stendarr by himself. I sat and watched as he maimed all of them then proceeded to bring one back from the dead and come after me. I was using a sneaky char and forgot vamps can see in the dark...... sneaking did not work. I died.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:19 pm

Wow, why does everyone get epic experiences, but i don't? :( my most epic was prolly the College of Winterhold, I killed one dragon, then another, and another.and they were all elders :(
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:50 am

I once found a shack completely burnt with two corpses outside, fried to the point of no recognition.
As i wandered inside, i found this notice to the authorities. After reading it, it was clear that the woman who lived at that house was attempting to contact the Jarl so that he could send her help against a dragon,
that flew over the shack previously. The husband refused to send the notice, for he was too lazy.
I also found out that the notice described the location of the dragon's lair as "behind the hill next to our shack".
I followed the path into the mountains, entered a cave there, and it led me to a dragon's lair, inside a snowy cove at the top of the mountain. That cove was full of skeletons and blood, and next to them, there was a Dragon wall.
As i approached that wall, a dragon jumped out of it and started flying around. That was freaking epic.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:05 pm

I love the random encounters, but sometimes it's the bugs that get you laughing the hardest.

I was walking down a road, unusual for me, when about 100m in front of me a Mammoth dropped from the sky, took a step forward and died. When i say "dropped from the sky", I mean I actually saw it fall from a great height. Perfectly clear day, no dragons in sight, no nearby mountains to fall from, and no known Giant herders or camps for miles in any direction
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:31 am

Actually, a few encounters written here ain't random but scripted to always appear at the same spot i.e carriage attacks and burnt shack

I found a clearing with a few tents and 2 corpses and a journal. Apparently they were lovers and eloping when their camp was attacked by a bear. The next time you visit, the camp and corpses have been cleared up and replaced by a shrine to Mara, the goddess of love. How sweet. Oh and the journal hinted at a secret stash the man was saved up for their journey.

The location is just slightly north of soljund's sinkhole at the reach.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:56 pm

2 frost thralls, 2 dragons and an enemy stormcloack camp. It didnt turn out as epic as it should have.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:36 pm

this is just one of the reasons I LOVE this game. , does anyone else have an awesome encounters like this they would like to share???

That OP is terrific, I could visualize the entire thing!

I got one. My Nord fighter Th?r a'Z?ne and his companion Jenassa were walking from Karikstead to Whiterun. Up ahead, a couple of giants + 2 mammoths were lollygaggin in the middle of the road, barely moving. This portion of the road has tall rock walls on either side of it, but Thor did not want to cause trouble with the giants. He pretty much just leaves them alone. He turned around to see if there were some way around the giants.

Behind him and his companion, 4 thugs were approaching. Nowhere to run! Not that Th?r and Jenassa wouldn't be able to handle the thugs, but then, he got a bright idea! :lightbulb:

as Th?r ran towards the giants, the thugs chased him! At the last minute, Th?r found an area of the road which he could duck off from, while the giants were now engaged with the thugs!

Taht was pretty fun, watching these stupid thugs get dropped by a couple giants and their mammoths! :rock:
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