Look at Morrowind - I killed the king of Worms in a cave in the Telvanni grasslands ... not surprised he is unhappy in Oblivion - but basically those vamps and necros were warring with each other as much as anyone else - actually everyone appeared to be warring with everyone and themselves ^^ That was why they kept asking me to kill people
The (Balmora) MW Mages guild wanted to send me out to kill necros - with no info as to why they should be killed, but I had no reason to believe it was because Necro was illegal in MW
There is a part of me that feels that the only evil would be in boring the PC ... sometimes the repetetive NPC lines did that
But there is also Dagoth Ur - if the Emperor was correct then Dagoth Ur intended to cover the whole of Nirn with his blight and convert all to worship of him - I feel that was evil because I like pelagic or romantic interludes between running the Ashlands ... a kind of morality
Evil can be a tiny thing - great evil can be that tiny thing on a massive scale and covering an entire world in ash and so choking all other life from it would therefore seem evil to me
So is evil in the deed or in the intent?
It is one thing to support a wounded or scarred being, given their minds and hearths are full of love - another to support a pretty face, though her heart is corrupt. So is a well meaning streetperson more wholesome that a biggoted little rich girl? Very hard to deal with in rl that because as in ES there are always consequences. As I see it therefore a smelly armpit is more wholesome than an attitude that stinks.
Fargoth reflected the 'evil' intent of the player back on him - but he proved very frustrating too = two evils do not a good make ^^ I somehow felt that I did n ot want to get involved with the shady doings of malicious guards so I missed out on Fargoth and his fortune

Besides that it is hard to 'judge' intent here on the forum - some folks revel in what others consider to be evils - is that a good?
I like that larst as an exit line but also wonder if we really have enough depth as yet to 'judge' stuff in ES beyond our own preferences. Not to confuse complication with depth. Even so much of what I have read here has merit and much of it is sophistry - what we could best jusdge I suppose is based on what we decided in-game and so those that admit they killed everyone and everything they could in-game for the sake of doing so might well be considered the most evil characters in-game.
Thanks for this thread - made for some fine reading