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Play something else for a while. We already know you're bored of Skyrim.
There's literally a gazillion other games. I still play through the original System Shock from time to time. The primitive controls actually make it that much more harrowing,
I read title and click.
Read post.
Say to the friend I'm on the mic with...
"That's pretty evil."
Then I think of it another way.
"Getting all the kids in one place?"
That's now the most annoying place ever.
Kidding, I love my two adopted kids.
I advise you not to save afterwards. Skyrim is lacking NPCs to begin with....
Why would you kill Amren he's a cool Redguard. Sure his daughter is a brat but that the mothers fault. You truly are doing the most dastardly dead ever
Be proud of yourself. Visit the children regularly.
Film it and upload it on Youtube. Make a badge and wear it in public, in RL! Visit a good therapist or play an another game as suggested above.
Seriously though, W.T.F. Just W.T. actual F.
have you killed all the parents in solitude? Go to morthal next.
Well, it's a single player game, so I don't have any real problems with anything you do there. It's just strange, to say the least. And anything but funny on any level of fun I can think of.
Also, since you posted your glorious exploits there, I guess you want to hear other people's comments and opinions on them. Mine is W.T.F. with a side dish of why.
Well that is certainly the one thing i didn't do in Skyrim yet........never will.....but still
Kudos to it's completion!
Same reason everyone kills Nazeem or any NPC for the matter, it is Skyrim and it is there to do.