These Races fits for Dragonborn

unmers,Nords &Imperials
Dunmers because of they Resistance to fire
Nords it's their Home and they fought many wars and are Great Warriors
Imperial They are the Ruler and many Dragonborns were Imperials
The Race that i won't know if it gonna fit Dragonborn : Khajiit,Bretons,Orcs &Redguards
These Races does not fit for Dragonborn : Altmer,Bosmer &Argonian
Argonians won't fit for a Dragonborn because it's a Lizard too(And i don't think they should fight eachother)
Bosmer i don't think it fits for a Dragon because i think the Bosmers are gonna be like Dwarves and i don't think they gonna have a good Dragonshout
Aldmer is only strong in Magic but have a High Weakness to it so when a Dragon is doing a Fire attack they have a Chance to die alot quicker then other Races
The Race i am gonna play first is a Nord
Then Argonian even if it won't fit as Dragonborn and then an Imperial