Which race in general, do you find to be most humble?
Which race in general, do you find to be most humble?
The Imperials have always seemed to be reasonable people in general (with few exceptions), rather than as extreme as some races could be.
Yes, that is a part of what I mean.
Bosmer and Khajiit are the first to come to mind IMO. Both as individuals and as a society.
First of all, Cyrodiils are anything but humble.
Anyway, Bosmer and Khajiit come to mind, but if I were pick between the two, I would go with Khajiit. They're literally the nicest and most friendly race in Skyrim.
The Bosmer of Valenwood are pretty crazy. Whats that event called where they go berserk and hunt other people like animals?
What does that have to do with them being humble?
Just don't turn your back or they may steal your gold.... or plant skooma on you..... or stab you.... or follow you home and rob you.
Yes, but that doesn't mean they go around killing each other. It's a pact in their homeland. If they kill someone(warfare, self-defence, whatever) they are responsible for consuming their corpse. They're ritualistic carnivorous. But they don't prey on other people like vampires do.
Ah, I gotta say it's the Khajiit...When they're not criminals. They're so pleasant and courteous in Skyrim, I feel really bad that they can't enter the cities and must camp outside like animals.
Remember that whole village of Khajiits in Oblivion that Sheogorath had you pull a prank on? They made you feel right at home.
The Wild Hunt. They only use it, if they have no other means to defend their land.
Talk about stereotyping.....
Not all Khajiit are skooma addicted, pickpocketing, cat burgulars.
They've also used it once, as a blitzkrieg against high King Borgas of Skyrim.
*Talks to Khajiit merchant.
*Merchant swears the rumors of them are all false
*Asks merchant what he/she has for sale
*Sees Skooma/Moon Sugar
I agree that Skooma is bad, but there's nothing wrong with Moon Sugar. The thing is, no else but Khajiit can digest it.
But they're so nice to me :<