Vault suit. Female protagonist looks good in it.
Vault suit. Female protagonist looks good in it.
Open world games are a given. What was seriously lacking in Fallout 3 was quality shooter mechanics. That's what I'm most excited for. After that the new power armor and weapon/armor modifications. Settlements are meh for me as I think they'll get tedious and boring after an hour or so.
I think Todd in the E3 demo talked about how "Player freedom remains our absolute number one goal" and "This is about making it your own experience, we want you to play, and build, and make it your own thing".
So long as those things always remain part of the games vision, I think i'll still be buying these games for years to come.
Oh and if there's ever always-online DRM where its tethered to a central server that can literally kick me off the game because that server is having maintenance I am just going to be that "Son, I am dissapoint" meme forever.
Besides all the stuff we have seen? I would like to see an improved version of Skyrim's disposition system/NPC reaction system.
It was great how Skyrim broke the Borg hive-mind inducing reputation bar, with far more personalized reactions from NPCs, but I felt like there was too few things they did in response, and they didn't happen enough.
It was fun having someone's family member come up to me and challenge me to a fight because I had assaulted their relative, or having them hire some guys to kill me for it. Similarly, it was nice to have NPCs deemed enemies to other NPcs send me letters of thanks, and even monetary rewards, for having eliminated someone they hated.
But I would like to see a few more things like that for both sides, and have them happen a little bit more.
I'm the same, this is what I want more than anything.