and imho vvardenfell being decimated was b.s. move. Why wipe on of the most interesting and diverse areas in tes lore off the planet? If you were looking to punish them for their idolatry, you could have unleashed a plague or civil war, or even a slave revolt partnered with an attack from black marsh. Total annihilation is almost a jump the shark moment.
I found the annihilation of Vvardenfell an awesome move. It shows they're up for something big and aren't scared of change, plus it was bound to happen. Too bad it bumped so many (Morrwind) fans to the chest.
For the war I'd like to see, I'll go for a realistic scenario, starting from the "Morrowing vs Black Marsh" going on
- Skyrim supports the Dark Elves
- Cyrodiil is obliged to follow, certainly now the Nords are the closest they have to allies
- Skyrim continues the wars on Hammerfell and High Rock
- Orcs possibly side with Skyrim in return for some land of their own
- the Valenwood-Elsweyr war starts off again
- Cyrodiil allies with Elsweyr, in exchange for help against the Argonians
- Summerset Isle sides with "their" Valenwood
So two sides:
Morrowind, Skyrim, Cyrodiil, Orcs and Elsweyr in some sort of close alliance.
Black Marsh, Hammerfell, High Rock, Valenwood and Summerset not really working together, just having the same enemy.