So many annoying ones, i'll plump for Nazeem as his snooty attitude reminds me of someone in real life i know.
He makes Glarthir more appealing, lol. I'm going to give Glarthir a big kiss when i see him in my Oblivion play through
It's extraodinary how essentially one line from an NPC can make him the most hated the guy in the game, you can't even properly talk to him.
-saves world, thane of the hold. dovahkiin of nordic legend-
"Do you get to the Cloud District very often?"
Ughhhh! That one drives me crazy... !! As if she's suppose to be really "deep" or something.
Irileth. She has zero femininity about her and i just hate that. She tries to act too manly imo. and
All i want for Christmas is a console patch to make children kill-able. I would trade my Pikachu 3ds in return for this feature...and possibly my spongebob underwear, maybe.