That female Dark Elf that owns the Alchemy store in Skingrad, I forget her name. That made me laugh so hard the first time...
That would be Falanu Hlaalu. Another funny thing is that some NPCs refer to her as 'him'. They do the same for City-Swimmer (she even calls herself 'him').
Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak. His malapropisms are hilarious! :laugh:
"Trolls, I have been foretold, are particular to unflammable weapons."
"The will-o-the-wisp is a luminous being. It has naturalized residences to many types of spells."
"I am resident to encounter the minotaur. Its horny protuberants cause me great conflagrations."
"Though I am replicant to spread rumors, I am led to believe the philogy of skeletous beings makes them resistive to magic."
OH YES GOD I FORGOT ALL ABOUT HIM :woot: I found him exceedingly funny xD and i was quite sad when a certain quest is done, he doesnt talk as much anymore

Still i had lots of fun laughing at his..malapropisms. Whatever that is.

A malapropism is the use of a wrong (but similar sounding) word, often to humorous results. Like this: "Bears have been known to
herniate through the winter months." or "My doctor
diagonaled me with the flu."