For me, the most memorable quest would have to be "A Night to Remember," oh that Sanguine, it was a laugh, a goat, and a lovely bride.

I think Blindsighted. The scariest thing I experienced in Skyrim was not being able to find the way out of that final part after slaying Mercer.
The point in Elder Knowledge when I got my first look at Blackreach. That is my most memorable moment in a quest, so I would say quest also.
Agreed, I almost died before I reached the exit.
Most memorable modded quest would have to be
I cant say for sure if this is my most memorable but it ranks up there, I love Lost to the Ages. Not so much for the actual places you go and things you do, but also for the bond you form with Katriah. When I got to the end after I did it for the first time I was actually sad to see her go.
The general atmosphere when climbing the 7,000 steps on your way to see the Greybeards for the first time was amazing, IMHO.
The Mind of Madness... Because Sheogorath.
I'd have to say Lost to the Ages as well. Katriah seemed far more interesting than most other NPCs, and while the locations were all dwermer-y, they weren't all dungeon crawl-y and each was a bit different. Killing off Katriah's old partner/assistant/whatever was pretty satisfying too.
Lost to the Ages had some really interesting locations and Katriah was a great character. Plus that molten Centurion at the end... D:
Discerning the Transmundane - When I first saw Blackreach
Dragonslayer. Going in to that portal to see Sovngarde... No other game has even come close to topping that.
For me it is a three way tie between Forbidden Legend, Tending the Flames, and Lost to the Ages.