Do most modders use SKSE?

Post » Sat May 17, 2014 10:28 pm

I was just wondering if this was the case. I know that a lot of people use SkyUI so most people will have SKSE installed, but as modders, do you guys use it whenever you need to or do you think that some people may not use SKSE so you try to find work arounds?

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alicia hillier
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:19 am

I personally avoid using it in my mods purely because my mods are mostly quest/dungeon/content based, so there are very few areas where SKSE helps. Thus, I avoid making the big jump to requiring it to keep things simple.

If I ever made a very complex script heavy mod that had a huge amount of areas where SKSE would help, I wouldn't hesitate to use it.

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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:43 am

I think most modders avoid it not because it is bad, but if they can do what they need without it, there really is no reason to make it a dependency. Really the goal is doing the most with as little as possible.

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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 11:13 pm

I try my hardest to not use it, because there's almost always a way round it.

What i do like to do is offer SKSE features to people who do have it, making it a kind of bonus. I have a quest that checks for SKSE when the game loads, and sets a global variable accordingly. Using SKSE i was able to add a menu driven perk system that doesn't interfere with the skills and perk trees.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:23 pm

What about when it comes to efficiency? They appear to be doing the exact same thing.

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)             akTarget.SheatheWeapon()EndEvent


Weapon[] Property kWeaponArray AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)	Holster(akTarget)EndEventFunction Holster(Actor akActor = None, Bool abRevert = False)	Int iIndex = 2	While iIndex		iIndex -= 1		If abRevert			If kWeaponArray[iIndex]				akActor.EquipItem(kWeaponArray[iIndex])			EndIf		Else			kWeaponArray[iIndex] = akActor.GetEquippedWeapon(iIndex As Bool)			If kWeaponArray[iIndex]				akActor.UnequipItem(kWeaponArray[iIndex], True)			EndIf		EndIf	EndWhileEndFunction
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Harry Leon
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:27 am

Most people use SkyUI? I don't. And I consider forcing mod users to install something in their game so that they can use a mod is bad modding policy. :)

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Cat Haines
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 10:55 pm

Or just SomeActor.PlayIdle(Idle_Sheathe).
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 9:23 pm

I did say most! Just checked the nexus count: 4,945,662 Total D/Ls

What, no way! Let me try that.

Definitely doesn't work during combat, might have some use outside combat though I didn't find an npc to test it on.

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john page
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 9:16 pm

Don't forget

Idle Property Idle_Sheathe Auto

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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:25 am

Thanks for looking out for me, but I didn't forget :touched:

Like I said, It didn't work during combat.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:30 am

You can always fork your code around SKSE's presence/absence/version, that way your mod will utilize SKSE when it's there, yet not require it.
  • Nameless Quest
    ScriptName YourNamelessQuestScript Extends Quest ConditionalInt Property iSKSE Auto ConditionalInt Property iSKSERequired = 34 AutoReadOnly ; Correlating version strings in skse_docs.txtString Property sSKSE AutoString Property sSKSERequired = "1.6.6" AutoReadOnly ; Correlating release numbers listed in skse_docs.txtString Property sYourModName = "MOD NAME HERE" AutoEvent OnInit()	Maintenance(True)EndEventFunction Maintenance(Bool abInit = False) ; Argument available for fork, If needed	iSKSE = SKSE.GetVersionRelease()	Debug.Notification("First time initializing: " + abInit)	If iSKSE ; Yellow light. SKSE is at least version 1.5.2		If GetGameRestarted(Self) ; Skyrim has been closed and reopened. SKSE status might have changed			sSKSE = SKSE.GetVersion() + "." + SKSE.GetVersionMinor() + "." + SKSE.GetVersionBeta()			If iSKSE < iSKSERequired ; Red light				Debug.MessageBox("Current SKSE version: " + sSKSE + ". " + sYourModName + " requires SKSE v" + sSKSERequired + " or later. Please update your SKSE.")			Else ; Green light				Debug.Notification("Current SKSE version: " + sSKSE + ". Requirements for " + sYourModName + " met or exceeded")			EndIf		Else ; Skyrim has not been closed and reopened. SKSE status has not changed			Debug.Trace("The game has not been closed and reopened, thus SKSE version remains " + sSKSE)		EndIf	Else ; Red light				Debug.MessageBox("SKSE not found. " + sYourModName + " requires SKSE v" + sSKSERequired + " or higher and will not function in its absence.")	EndIfEndFunctionBool Function GetGameRestarted(Form akNamelessForm) Global	If akNamelessForm.GetName()		Return False	Else		akNamelessForm.SetName("Nom")		Return True	EndIfEndFunction
  • Player Alias
    ScriptName YourPlayerScript Extends ReferenceAliasYourQuestScript Property QuestScript AutoEvent OnPlayerLoadGame()	QuestScript.Maintenance()EndEvent

As a mod creator I often utilize SKSE if it's installed by the user to add functionality to my works, but I never require it unless a mod cannot function without it and there are numerous things we can do solely with SKSE. There's no valid reason for a mod user to avoid SKSE, but still some do...
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:04 am

So, according to you "4,945,662 Total D/Ls" means 4,945,662 users? How many of these downloads were made multiple times, either by people who lost their previous downloads or by others who wanted to make the mod go up in the stats? You know that some modders create fake accounts just to boost their mods or that of their friends, don't you? And what makes you think that this figure is true anyway?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:23 am

I think the current user count for SkyUI would be something closer to 406,984. That's the number of "unique downloads" of the latest version of the file. Some people might not have updated so the actual user count might be slightly larger, but I doubt it's nearly 5million. That number comes from all the downloads for the different versions added together.

On Topic: personally I voted "Yes" to your pole. But like others have said, it depends on the mod. For example, my Wolf Follower mod is pretty much pure scripting so I had no qualms with having SKSE as a dependency. Where as in Buried Treasures, I was able to build the digging mechanic without the need to use SKSE functions. So when I went to add in the new stat in the vanilla menu (something that cannot be done without the new UI functions) I made it a "bonus feature" in the way B1gBadDaddy and JustinOther described

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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:27 am

Oh, come on! 5 million?

I agree that a truer reflection is number of Unique Downloads = 2,309,459.

And it is a fact that Nexus counts every single download from a mod page, so if there are multiple versions and multiple optional files they are all added to the total. Anyone updating is counted as another download (I don't think it resets with a new version number and I don't think it is purely the number of separate PCs it's downloaded on).

For other mods, adding the patches for DLC are counted as separate downloads if they are on the same page and contribute to the total.

But 5 million due to sock accounts and spam downloading? I don't think so.

How many people play Skyrim on PC and how many of those use mods with a keyboard and mouse rather than a controller and how many of THOSE use SkyUI? I think that's the real statistic. Apparently, with a controller, the Vanilla interface is quicker than using SkyUI.

But I certainly use it as I have played TES since Daggerfall and Skyrim is unplayable without it.

As for the original question, my scripting skills are too limited to deliberately make use of SKSE, but the one I was working on this week uses some SKSE functions because what I wanted to do can not be done without it. I think!


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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 10:09 pm

Busted :( I confess, these 662 were actually me.
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James Hate
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:26 am

Really? Did you even try? More than 2,500 hours playing without it and the UI certainly doesn't make the game unplayable, unless your character has 2,500 objects in his inventory of course... But in that case, I'm pretty sure SkyUI doesn't make it more playable either.

Anyway, what does console players think of such a statement of yours?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:49 am

Hahahahaha! :P

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:51 pm

Try Debug.SendAnimationEvent(MyActor, "Unequip"). You will probably need to use StopCombat() on your actor as well because he/she will probably re-equip the weapon.

As for SKSE, even if you just use it to optimize your scripts it's worth it. It's a wonderful utility.

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Shae Munro
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:28 am

Of course I tried it.... :yucky: And in 20 years of PC gaming at home with a keyboard and mouse, Skyrim absolutely has, without any shadow of a doubt, the WORST and most atrocious interface I have ever come across in my entire life. :bonk:

I remap my keys so they work more like Daggerfall, and I did the same with Morrowind and Oblivitard and most other games. All the important keys are in easy reach of my left hand, I move forward with Left Mouse, Attack with Right mouse, Activate with Mouse wheel button and Block/Dual Cast/Dual Wield with Left ALT. works for me.

Really? Have you ever tried it? The categories and smaller font make it MUCH easier to find things. I also use Categorized Favorites Menu for easy access and equip sets.

As I already clearly said, I am talking about using a keyboard and mouse. I also said that, apparently, with a controller it is actually faster to use the Vanilla interface.

That's why someone made SkyUI-Away.


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casey macmillan
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:14 am

Actually, the 62 were me...

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:00 pm

Okay..2million of those can be re-downloads, versions, the creators fake account, more fake accounts, people who lost their downloads. That leaves 3 million, lets assume nexus accidently doubled the amount, that leave 1.5m.

Let's not count any downloads from any other site. Whatever you believe the number is, I'm sure it's a huge amount, huge enough that a lot of people will have SKSE installed anyway even if they uninstalled SkyUI since it doesn't really bother them.

Thought I'd add this too 231,755 Current subscribers on steam.

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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 9:41 pm

Nope. I try to avoid any dependencies or conflicts. Hell, I even wanted to avoid using any custom scripts when I first started modding, but that would've been too much. If I'd have to use it though, I of course would.

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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 10:15 pm

So, what do you call people who use it and find it okay, have no problems with it, etc.? Are we stupid?

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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:42 am

Try to stay on topic guys. No need for this thread to turn into a pro's and con's debate about SkyUI, it has its own thread for that

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Alexander Lee
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:48 am

I don't call them anything. I have a friend who uses a left-handed mouse and Belkin controller because it suits him.

Theoretically, in principle, YOU I would call a butt hurt, twisting, deliberately misinterpreting, trying to pick a fight, Trolling Buffoon.

If it were not against the rules. :angel:

But as far as I am concerned, :yucky: in 20 years of PC gaming at home with a keyboard and mouse, Skyrim absolutely has, without any shadow of a doubt, the WORST and most atrocious interface I have ever come across in my entire life. :bonk:

That was why I was so glad to find SkyUI.


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