This is TES, not Fallout. One of the last redeeming qualities of TES was that it kept the oldschool appeal, the fact that what originally made RPGs different from other games was the fact that the NPCs in the game were real, and had lives, and conversations. I hate the fact that in the new Fallout games we get "a towns person" and they have one line of dialogue.
I think there'll still be a substantial amount of NPCs with dialog trees. "Questgivers" has to be a generalization - I'd expect guards, shopkeepers, priests, and even nobles out on the streets with a fair bit to say. And they're still going to have lives, and conversations: Radiant AI will give them more extensive schedules than before, and from the Playstation magazine's description of taverns it sounds like we'll have a pretty nice social graqevine among Skyrim's populace.
Honestly this isn't really a step back from Oblivion: where most NPCs really only
had a unique greeting and a comment or two (under the topic named after their city of residence). This is more of the same except we don't have to go through the topic list, which is kind of redundant when it has like two entries per NPC.

Maybe at a glance the past games' NPCs
looked more human just because you could inquire on more things, but honestly in the middle ages most townspeople aren't so friendly that they're going to just give off long spiels and tell you anything you ask them about. It's a bit like Daggerfall: directions, rumors and work opportunities were there but they were mostly generic. We also had Morrowind's dialog, which would've had the
potential to be the greatest in the series but the verbose services and secrets everybody tells you are, again, kind of filler.
do hope the random townspeople have names though, even if they're randomly generated. Bandits as well: it's what really made confrontations with hostile NPCs interesting in Morrowind as they were no less civilized than the people in the towns. Why doesn't Bethesda incorporate something similar to Silgrad Tower's generator into their Creation Kit?