I do udnerstand why Green Day are overrated, even though I like their albums, especially their Dookie stuff . Basket Case for exemple is an awesome song and I do consider it punk (maybe not their latest stuff though).
I don't understand the reasosn behind Metallica, AC DC or The Beatles being overrated but whatever.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Linkin Park though...personally I like them, again, especially their old albums but I've seen them being considered extremely overrated.
their resistance album was okay and really just had the one good song... idk I couldn't really enjoy the rest of their songs because they seemed politcal and I could not figure out their message/ if they even had a message and were not just being overtly vague to make it seem like they had a message.
I plan on listening to some of their earlier stuff to get a better idea what they are like because I have been told they are a good semi psychodelic band and I have been looking for one of those.