Most Satisfying Moment in Skryim

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:00 am

My most satisfying moment occurred during a battle against some Imperial soldiers. One of the Imperials cut down a friendly Stormcloak and then turned his gaze to me. He shouted "I'll have your head!"or something of the sort. However, when he charged, I smacked him in the face with the butt of my Daedric War Axe and as he recoiled I brought the blade down through his neck. The decapitation kill moves are always satisfying, but this one was just perfect. So, what was your most satisfying moment?
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:44 am

My most satisfying moment was delivering the finishing blow after having a 10 minute battle against a frost dragon, trying to evade every frost breath that I could... getting off every arrow into it's face every chance I could take... this was before I realized just how stupidly common dragons become in skyrim... now I know I can never recapture that moment :'(.

Decapitating people when they're threatening you is funny, "I'll watch you'aahulp"
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:25 pm

Decapitating Ingrold the Kind in front of all those kids and then having them cheer.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:54 am

Decapitating people when they're threatening you is funny, "I'll watch you'aahulp"

"You'll make a fine rug, ca- G'uh! Mercy!"

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Lily Something
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:59 pm

The first time I cleared out a bandit cave on my sneaky assassin character without being detected.

Arrows were lodged in eye sockets, throats were cut, backs were stabbed and it was generally a very satisfying experience.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:15 pm

I had a similar one happen with a random argonian attacking me on a road. He said "ill still consider mercy if you yield" just before it went into the decapitation animation and his head rolled away down the snowy hill. pretty satisfying, i wish decapitaions happened more often
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:17 pm

On my Dark Elf Character... :

Me - Come with me for 500 gold

Dark Elf follower - Alright

*Me and My Dark Elf Follower go to the Shrine of Boethiah*

Me - Hey

Dark Elf Follower - I am glad that I get the chance to fight with one of my own kind

Me - That's Nice, how about you go grab that pole

Dark Elf Follower - This one that shines when I go next to it?

Me - Yep

*She Grabs*

Me - sorry *Knife to her chest*
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:12 am

I was trying to sneak across a courtyard of a fortress, but it was heavily patrolled and I was about to give up, stand up and fight, when a dragon chooses to distract the enemies by attacking them.

I got across unseen :)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:14 am

a khajiit skooma dealer punched me to death. grabbed my collar and just beat the ever loving [censored] out of me
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stevie trent
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:06 pm

I had a similar one happen with a random argonian attacking me on a road. He said "ill still consider mercy if you yield" just before it went into the decapitation animation and his head rolled away down the snowy hill. pretty satisfying, i wish decapitaions happened more often

One time I went postal at a bar and decapitated 4 out of 5 people there. I think it depends on the strength of opponents, face some weak ones and you might get decapitations more often.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:21 pm

When I bought it, brought it home and it actually worked on my system. [looks at LA Noire] Yeah.

Oh, IN Skyrim...welp...walking into Winterhold for the first time.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:37 am

Exploring the map behind the borders and having a look at landmasses from previous TES games was a great thing.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:54 am

Taking down Volsung and the Dragon at the same time. :dance:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:06 am

I have too many to list a favorite...

Lydia and I got in trouble at Markarth (bug) and were fleeing because they wouldn't just take me to jail, so the whole city wanted our heads. In all the turmoil and flying arrows I had lost Lydia. The guards outside the city were all over me and I didn't want a bigger bounty, and staying to fight would risk Lydia so I was taking arrows in the back and my only option was to run. So I kept running for quite some time because they like to follow a long ways. I happen upon a Foresworn camp and it's on. These guys were pretty tough too, but I managed to take them all down. I look up and there is one just standing there, a female with a huge rack. I thought maybe she's a quest giver or something so I raised my shield and slowly approached her. She just stood there and as I got about 2 feet away I notice a figure running up right behind her out of the foggy background, and the foresworn screams "Are you ready to die?" and half a second later a sword pops out of her chest and she archs her back in pain! It was Lydia who came up behind her and impaled her!

My character is a werewolf who resists all the urges to change, and when Lydia was killed by some vampires my character was pretty upset. That night he got drunk on about 15 bottles of mead and decided to go hunt some wildlife in beast form. Along the road by the river he ran into a saber cat, then a pack of bears and ripped them apart. Then a small pack of vampires showed up just traveling on the road! What delight! They tried some silly spell casting on me but barely got their taunts out before I was eating their face. It was pretty awesome to get revenge in beast form on the very kind that took his first love.

Fus Da Rah'd 2 frost trolls off of this mountain with the steepest slope I've seen. It was epic because I was facing an elder dragon up there by this word wall and this stupid troll starts flanking me while I had low HP and I just turned and shouted at him and blew him off the face of the earth, lol. Then I fought the dragon and killed him while the other frost troll was trying to reach me. I just finish the dragon, raise my shield to block the troll and I circle around a bit to get the best view of the world, my shout is recharged and I blast him down to meet his friend, LOL.

When I forged my first glass weapons, then enchanted them. I felt SO badass. I hadn't really used dual power attacks yet and I got that dual wielding perk at the same time I got the glass weapons so that was a huge combat upgrade for my character. I was slicing and dicing anything to death with one power attack for the most part. I finally felt like a tank where I had enough HP and good armor to dual wield like a man.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:36 pm

Killing a Giant and two Mammoths at level 15.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:10 pm

I have too many to list a favorite...

Lydia and I got in trouble at Markarth (bug) and were fleeing because they wouldn't just take me to jail, so the whole city wanted our heads. In all the turmoil and flying arrows I had lost Lydia. The guards outside the city were all over me and I didn't want a bigger bounty, and staying to fight would risk Lydia so I was taking arrows in the back and my only option was to run. So I kept running for quite some time because they like to follow a long ways. I happen upon a Foresworn camp and it's on. These guys were pretty tough too, but I managed to take them all down. I look up and there is one just standing there, a female with a huge rack. I thought maybe she's a quest giver or something so I raised my shield and slowly approached her. She just stood there and as I got about 2 feet away I notice a figure running up right behind her out of the foggy background, and the foresworn screams "Are you ready to die?" and half a second later a sword pops out of her chest and she archs her back in pain! It was Lydia who came up behind her and impaled her!

My character is a werewolf who resists all the urges to change, and when Lydia was killed by some vampires my character was pretty upset. That night he got drunk on about 15 bottles of mead and decided to go hunt some wildlife in beast form. Along the road by the river he ran into a saber cat, then a pack of bears and ripped them apart. Then a small pack of vampires showed up just traveling on the road! What delight! They tried some silly spell casting on me but barely got their taunts out before I was eating their face. It was pretty awesome to get revenge in beast form on the very kind that took his first love.

Fus Da Rah'd 2 frost trolls off of this mountain with the steepest slope I've seen. It was epic because I was facing an elder dragon up there by this word wall and this stupid troll starts flanking me while I had low HP and I just turned and shouted at him and blew him off the face of the earth, lol. Then I fought the dragon and killed him while the other frost troll was trying to reach me. I just finish the dragon, raise my shield to block the troll and I circle around a bit to get the best view of the world, my shout is recharged and I blast him down to meet his friend, LOL.

When I forged my first glass weapons, then enchanted them. I felt SO badass. I hadn't really used dual power attacks yet and I got that dual wielding perk at the same time I got the glass weapons so that was a huge combat upgrade for my character. I was slicing and dicing anything to death with one power attack for the most part. I finally felt like a tank where I had enough HP and good armor to dual wield like a man.

Cool story bro
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:35 am

I had the Wabbajack equipped and was fighting the a dragon priest. I turned him into a Sweet-roll.
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Big mike
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:46 pm

Taking out the Emperor after he had my family taken out. The brotherhood was avenged with avengeance that day! :slap:

This was my best moment so far and nothing has topped it for me yet. Made the thieves guild look like lil kids rolling around in the snow.
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