This is, my dear st frantic, a forum - a hub of discussion and collective thought. "I'm right because I'm right" is a concept that would quickly pull any forum into pointlessness, for you cannot properly discuss anything if you are unwilling to defend your views. Whether I am saying that the sky is green, or that PC gaming is dead, my evidence for this cannot be "Oh, look around you", for that defeats the entire point. I am not trying to argue with you on this point, for an argument requires two participants, and at best I would have one, however you should really reconsider this whole "I'm right because I'm right" idea - even if you are right, that offers nothing to the discussion. I would hazard a guess that none of us are here for any other reason than that we enjoy a good discussion on topics of interest to us, however you seem actively hostile towards the idea of even accepting opposing views exist - to the point of using the existence of evidence for a view as evidence of its falsehood (Such a concept, I am sure, would hold up in no civilised debate!)
So I merely ask: Why? Why are you here, if not to discuss? If you are, indeed, willing to discuss, then surely you must see the value of evidence on both sides!
1:,I did not say PC gaming was dead.
2: I never stated that i was 100% right. ( i have my opinion ,like everyone else )
3: I do enjoy good discussion,if i feel the need to do so.
4: Actually,when i say look around you,and you also read the the topic title,it doesn't defeat the point at all,it is the point.
5: I'm hear because i'm interested in the elder scrolls and skyrim,that,should be obvious.
6: Also,you originally jumped in ,when i was responding to someone else. He was trying to prove something,that obviously effect him,what are the reasons for that? I can guess what those reasons are ,does that me i'm 100% right,maybe not.If you look deeper into what he did,and then my response,you'll see why i said what i said,which in turn,lead you to quote me.....why?