Most of the quests svck

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:05 pm

Stop going from one guild (or main) quest to the next, using fast travel to go from the questgiver to the objective and then back again. You will be able to complete quests and entire plotlines very quickly that way. Try going on foot to the next quest destination - stop in any towns or villages along the way and check in the tavern or Jarl's longhouse to see if there are any bounties or tasks you can take on. Do those on your way across the map, and explore any interesting locations you come across while wandering.

This is why I don't personally use fast travel, because if I am given a quest in Winterhold that requires I go to Markarth and back again, it could all be over within half an hour if I fast travel. Because I travel everywhere on foot, the same quest takes me 4 days in real time, and I end up both getting new miscellaneous quests and completing existing ones along the way. A quest that sends you from Winterhold to Markarth and back again is only short because you make it so by your own play decisions.

Amen. Warping from point a to point b over and over [censored] the quests are short.
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:25 pm

I honestly don't see how people could get done with quests and stuff so fast! I like, loot everything in the dungeons, read all the books, stop and pick flowers, fish and herbs, do all the alchemy, go find my trainers, do misc quests in between. It takes me sooo long to get through a series of quests for a guild or the main quest.

Different style of gameplay, I think. I don't think I would want each quest taking hours. Then we'd get complaints about that. Just can't win!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:18 pm

Most of the complaints svck. Go find somewhere else to complain.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:37 pm

There aren't many forums for discussing this game. I know of two, this one and the one at GameFaqs. People like to express themselves, and what they say can be positive or negative. Sometimes what they say is informative. Other times, what they say isn't informative. My view is this - a topic is like a tv channel. If you don't like the channel, change the channel or turn the tv off.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:17 pm

Ya I regret running through and fast travelling everywhere and finishing 3 guild questlines so fast. Ive got 125 hours on the game already though. Ive considered starting over. but after 125 hours (and I really like my high elf battlemage(except when trying to use destruction at high levels)) is it still worth it?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:09 am

Ah, and variety of those quests!

Are you a warrior type? Go recover a weapon from that ancient dungeon!
Or maybe a mage? Go recover an magic artefact from that ancient dungeon!
How about a poet? Do you like fine poetry? Fine, go to that ancient dungeon and recover a lost poem!

Most (except a minority of really good ones) follow this scheme.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:46 am

I'm really liking all of the quests actually. Try the one in Markarth, it's very long, probably 3 hours if you're not rushing it(which I get the feeling you are doing) and it has a pretty cool story. I've never looked at Markarth or the Reach the same way.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:22 pm

It sounds to me like you're rushing through everything, which is of course going to make it less enjoyable.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:15 pm

The main questline of the College has 8 quests and the Companions have 6. Add that to the fact that most of those quests could be summed up as "Go to dungeon and find item at the end" equals quests that svck.

The faction questlines are short and somewhat dull, and most of the side-quests are very standard fare. Any quest could be long and drawn out if you walk to each one and screw around as long as possible before actually doing it.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:58 pm

Stop going from one guild (or main) quest to the next, using fast travel to go from the questgiver to the objective and then back again. You will be able to complete quests and entire plotlines very quickly that way. Try going on foot to the next quest destination - stop in any towns or villages along the way and check in the tavern or Jarl's longhouse to see if there are any bounties or tasks you can take on. Do those on your way across the map, and explore any interesting locations you come across while wandering.

This is why I don't personally use fast travel, because if I am given a quest in Winterhold that requires I go to Markarth and back again, it could all be over within half an hour if I fast travel. Because I travel everywhere on foot, the same quest takes me 4 days in real time, and I end up both getting new miscellaneous quests and completing existing ones along the way. A quest that sends you from Winterhold to Markarth and back again is only short because you make it so by your own play decisions.

Doing things inbetween questlines doesn't make the questlines any longer. They are short by default, and this is bad.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:30 pm

I honestly don't see how people could get done with quests and stuff so fast! I like, loot everything in the dungeons, read all the books, stop and pick flowers, fish and herbs, do all the alchemy, go find my trainers, do misc quests in between. It takes me sooo long to get through a series of quests for a guild or the main quest.

Different style of gameplay, I think. I don't think I would want each quest taking hours. Then we'd get complaints about that. Just can't win!

That's how I play too and I've been playing for 160 hours and haven't finished the MQ and only completed the College quests... I haven't even joined the legion or the stormcloaks and haven't even seen the bard's place or joined the companions. I still have 2 cities to walk to. I don't get all this rushing around stuff either. Oh well, not my problem. ;)
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:30 pm

You are making a few very obvious mistakes here.

1: The title says "Most of the quests svck". In your post, you are saying that the major questlines are too short. That's all a very big difference.

2: You are spoilering about the Companion questline.

3: Skyrim has much improved over Oblivion in every point.
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anna ley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:43 pm

You are making a few very obvious mistakes here.

1: The title says "Most of the quests svck". In your post, you are saying that the major questlines are too short. That's all a very big difference.

2: You are spoilering about the Companion questline.

3: Skyrim has much improved over Oblivion in every point.

1. Like there hasn't been a thread title that was misleading.

2. Agreed there is a spoilers forum.

3. Except for the length of the guild questlines. The Fighters Guild questline had 19 quests compared to the Companions 6. The Mage guild questline had 18 compared to College of Winterhold 9(not counting the misc quests which I admit has more then Oblivions). Its pretty much the same with the other two as well.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:39 pm

Stop going from one guild (or main) quest to the next, using fast travel to go from the questgiver to the objective and then back again. You will be able to complete quests and entire plotlines very quickly that way. Try going on foot to the next quest destination - stop in any towns or villages along the way and check in the tavern or Jarl's longhouse to see if there are any bounties or tasks you can take on. Do those on your way across the map, and explore any interesting locations you come across while wandering.

This is why I don't personally use fast travel, because if I am given a quest in Winterhold that requires I go to Markarth and back again, it could all be over within half an hour if I fast travel. Because I travel everywhere on foot, the same quest takes me 4 days in real time, and I end up both getting new miscellaneous quests and completing existing ones along the way. A quest that sends you from Winterhold to Markarth and back again is only short because you make it so by your own play decisions.

Quoted for truth. Stop blaming game developers for how YOU choose to play their games.

And no, this style of play does not in fact actually make the quests themselves longer. But it does make them seem longer. Honestly, if you are using fast-travel (I use it between cities and towns only), stop using it for a few days. If you don't like it, not my problem. If you do, I promise you will never go back.

I was actually thinking about the whole fast-travel issue just yesterday. I was finishing up a quest in the far north, and as the quest required me to travel back and forth between the nearest city and where this crazy hermit-scholar was working several times, I really got the sense of him being WAY out in the middle of nowhere! As I was walking through a blizzard on my way back to see him for the third or fourth time, I thought how cheated I would be of that feeling of working hard for this quest-- of doing everything that was asked of me AND trekking back and forth over the ice and through the storms-- and how much less sweet the reward would have been if I hadn't really worked for it.

Honestly I think fast-travel has done a lot of damage to these types of games. To be clear, I'm not asking them to take it out, as I DO in fact have the willpower to avoid it (just barely). I just feel like the option being there has hurt the gaming experience of players who just don't know any better. Unfortunately it is human nature to want things for nothing, and immediately if not sooner at that! Things we get easily are not valued as highly as things we worked hard to attain, however.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:35 pm

This rant was too short. I guess the OP just started to get going when he took an arrow to the knee.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:26 am

Doing things inbetween questlines doesn't make the questlines any longer. They are short by default, and this is bad.

Sorry but I think that's BS. A quest where you go from one objective in Winterhold to the next objective in Markarth right across the other side of the map pretty much as far as you can go and back to Winterhold again, is not a short quest, it's an epic journey taking you across the entire province and back again, and if you do it right it feels like an epic journey. If you choose to take a shortcut and it seems short, that is your loss. I know some people like fast travel, but Bethesda really kind of shoot themselves in the foot by having it as an option when the quests send you across the map, because those epic journeys and all the adventures you can have along the route can be bypassed with one click of a button and of course it doesn't feel epic if you haven't had to work for it because you can get there in an instant.

This isn't an MMO where you have to grind for levels, or an FPS where you have to get through one mission before being given the next one and have to take them all in sequence with little to do in between each - it is true that you can play TES any way you want, but rushing through questlines and insta-popping yourself from one side of the map to the other without seeing anything in between is, at least IMO, going about it the wrong way, of course it's going to be a disappointment if you rush through a questline as quickly as possible, because it's not the sort of game that rewards that method of play.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:25 pm

Sorry but I think that's BS. A quest where you go from one objective in Winterhold to the next objective in Markarth right across the other side of the map pretty much as far as you can go and back to Winterhold again, is not a short quest, it's an epic journey taking you across the entire province and back again, and if you do it right it feels like an epic journey. If you choose to take a shortcut and it seems short, that is your loss. I know some people like fast travel, but Bethesda really kind of shoot themselves in the foot by having it as an option when the quests send you across the map, because those epic journeys and all the adventures you can have along the route can be bypassed with one click of a button and of course it doesn't feel epic if you haven't had to work for it because you can get there in an instant.

This isn't an MMO where you have to grind for levels, or an FPS where you have to get through one mission before being given the next one and have to take them all in sequence with little to do in between each - it is true that you can play TES any way you want, but rushing through questlines and insta-popping yourself from one side of the map to the other without seeing anything in between is, at least IMO, going about it the wrong way, of course it's going to be a disappointment if you rush through a questline as quickly as possible, because it's not the sort of game that rewards that method of play.

Heh. This is what I was trying to say in my post.

"If you choose to take a shortcut and it seems short, that is your loss."

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:24 pm

the game isnt perfect, giving feedback on what is liked and disliked is a big way bethesda makes its future games better, i personally thought the quests werent as well crafted as oblivion's, but skyrim makes up for this in a lot of ways
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:29 am

I think the real flaw here is that you can get to head of a guild too quickly. That is to say, you only have to finish the main quest line of each faction in order to lead the faction. In some cases this can be as few as 6 quests. Conversely, Oblivion's guild quest lines had like 15-20 quests before you became leader. HOWEVER, the difference really lies in the radiant quests in Skyrim. You dont HAVE to do them, but if you do all the radiant stuff that you can, there is a similar amount of content for the guilds in Skyrim as there is in Oblivion. And it's not like Oblivion's guild quests consisted only of quests that contributed to the main story of that guild. There were a lot that didn't, so in that sense, they weren't very different from the radiant quests in Skryim.

So the only difference, in my mind, is that the radiant quests in Skyrim aren't required, whereas the non-story related quests in Oblivion's guilds ARE required. This forced you to do more to become leader of the guild. It could be argued that Skyrim should have required a certain number of radiant quests to be done between each main-story quest to force you to have done a lot for the guild. With that said, you can choose to take your time and do all that stuff anyways. Anyone who doesn't do the radiant quests and then complains that its too short is creating their own problem.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:16 pm

Most RPG quests are a direct fetch quest, or a variant thereon, said variant usually requiring you to kill something.

This isn't the Sims.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:12 am

i think ive worked it out: people make worthless "shut up" posts to valid complaints, then site them as an ongoing debate over whether a complaint is valid or not. its a brilliant strategy, really.

to the OP: yeah, they are really short, and structured to make them feel even shorter. its just a quest to make you leader as fast as possible instead of actually being part of the guild. the thieves guild is decent because you actually have radiant quests to do to fill the void if you so wish(easily the best guild) but the others dont have that excuse.

of course the just generally svck, but TES quests always kind of svck. still, we should expect them to if not stay the same get better, not worse. more time needed to be put into radiant quests; and they should have filled the gap of the "grunt work" you had to do for guilds in OB and morrowind. beth really just needs to accept that storytelling aint their cup of tea...
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:56 am

Untrue. A lot of us are tired of the same exhausted, regurgitated complaints. If someone wants to complain/rant about the length of the questlines they can resurrect another thread on the subject.

Then don't read the thread. I could clearly tell by the title, what type of post this was going to be..DUH
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:32 pm

Skyrim is crap, [insert numerous reasons], played it for 80 hours so far...

If you've played it for 80 hours, you have no right to rant about how bad the game is. You've played for nearly half a week solid.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:22 pm

Guild quests are inferior to oblivion. however i feel that the other non guild quests are quite better.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:32 am

I dont get what these people expect from quests? Give us an example of what and how you think a quest should be and we'll shoot down your idea because it will be lame I'm sure.
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