Most of the quests svck

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:16 am

I dont get what these people expect from quests? Give us an example of what and how you think a quest should be and we'll shoot down your idea because it will be lame I'm sure.

"Greetings again [insert name]. Congratulations on your recent promotion. I'm sure you'll agree that it's time we gave you some real work. It just so happens i have an objective that requires an operative of your level of talent.

"Our faction has never had influence in [insert region] and it remains a region of importance to our rivals [insert faction]. If we are to further our primary objective, we need to gain a foothold in that area.

"Travel to [region] and scout out potential locations for a regional base of operations. The decision is yours, but ensure that whichever location you choose is suitable for our operational methods. Local knowledge should be sought in this task to ensure there are no surprises. When you are ready to sieze the location, requisition a small force of footsoldiers and supplies from our garrison at [region x]. You are free to choose your own soldiers and they will remain to fortify the location at your discretion.

"Until such time as the outpost is fortified and we've gained influence in the region, there will be no other support from our main faction. It will be up to you to seek out local assets for trade and communication and you are free to do so by any methods you choose so long as it falls within our operational mandate. If you can wrest local assets away from our rival faction, all the better...

"When you have succeeded in securing a fortified, self sufficient outpost in [region] send word to me and i'll pay you a little visit."
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:16 pm

Skyrim is crap, [insert numerous reasons], played it for 80 hours so far...

If you've played it for 80 hours, you have no right to rant about how bad the game is. You've played for nearly half a week solid.

Learn to read.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:47 am

Love how anything negative gets shot down on this forum.

Stop being fan-boys for once. Once you open your eyes you'll see a lot of complaints are actually valid.

It's amusing how people are still in the honeymoon period with this game.

I'm 100 hours in and I too am already starting to see faults in the game. I'm not blinded by my love for it though, unlike most people here..
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:29 pm

Most of the complaints svck. Go find somewhere else to complain.

Where else would be better to complain than the official forums? They want their feedback to be seen so that future products can be better.

Don't bother posting if you have nothing constructive to add. The OP is allowed to complain, and he's complaining about something many others have found disappointing.

This is the truth.

Here come the Bethesda Defense Force mindlessly defending their lordships at Bethesda.

Unfortunately, this is also the truth.
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:44 am

Sorry but I think that's BS. A quest where you go from one objective in Winterhold to the next objective in Markarth right across the other side of the map pretty much as far as you can go and back to Winterhold again, is not a short quest, it's an epic journey taking you across the entire province and back again, and if you do it right it feels like an epic journey. If you choose to take a shortcut and it seems short, that is your loss. I know some people like fast travel, but Bethesda really kind of shoot themselves in the foot by having it as an option when the quests send you across the map, because those epic journeys and all the adventures you can have along the route can be bypassed with one click of a button and of course it doesn't feel epic if you haven't had to work for it because you can get there in an instant.

This isn't an MMO where you have to grind for levels, or an FPS where you have to get through one mission before being given the next one and have to take them all in sequence with little to do in between each - it is true that you can play TES any way you want, but rushing through questlines and insta-popping yourself from one side of the map to the other without seeing anything in between is, at least IMO, going about it the wrong way, of course it's going to be a disappointment if you rush through a questline as quickly as possible, because it's not the sort of game that rewards that method of play.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:01 pm

Here come the Bethesda Defense Force mindlessly defending their lordships at Bethesda.

Here comes the Bethesda Flaming Force mindlessly defending their brothers and sisters.

Seriously though, I do not mind them being short, there's plenty enough to do. Faction quests are like 1% of the game. They aren't the main focus of the game.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:35 pm

Agree. The quest writing along with the overall story writing is lacking substance.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:21 pm

OP, you got your money's worth and then some, so you shouldn't complain. You're just not the type of gamer that can enjoy these games for thousands of hours. Uninstall Skyrim and go find something else to play instead of polluting the forum.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:09 pm

Yeah, all the quest lines are short but there are like a dozen of them. Add them together and there's a lot of crap to do.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:24 pm

Lolno, I think the exact opposite. Skyrim's quests are one of the best I've ever seen.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:55 pm

Yeah, all the quest lines are short but there are like a dozen of them. Add them together and there's a lot of crap to do.

Exactly. A lot of "crap" to do.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:01 pm

Exactly. A lot of "crap" to do.

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kat no x
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:39 am

"Greetings again [insert name]. Congratulations on your recent promotion. I'm sure you'll agree that it's time we gave you some real work. It just so happens i have an objective that requires an operative of your level of talent.

"Our faction has never had influence in [insert region] and it remains a region of importance to our rivals [insert faction]. If we are to further our primary objective, we need to gain a foothold in that area.

"Travel to [region] and scout out potential locations for a regional base of operations. The decision is yours, but ensure that whichever location you choose is suitable for our operational methods. Local knowledge should be sought in this task to ensure there are no surprises. When you are ready to sieze the location, requisition a small force of footsoldiers and supplies from our garrison at [region x]. You are free to choose your own soldiers and they will remain to fortify the location at your discretion.

"Until such time as the outpost is fortified and we've gained influence in the region, there will be no other support from our main faction. It will be up to you to seek out local assets for trade and communication and you are free to do so by any methods you choose so long as it falls within our operational mandate. If you can wrest local assets away from our rival faction, all the better...

"When you have succeeded in securing a fortified, self sufficient outpost in [region] send word to me and i'll pay you a little visit."

Nice idea! Not sure if the game can handle that level of complexity - sounds a bit more like a Spellforce type quest - RPG/RTS.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:40 pm

"Hurry! There's no time to lose, you must bring Staff of Magnus at once!"

"Nah, I better check other towns on the way and see whats there to do. But I'll see you again in, say, two months?"
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David Chambers
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:29 pm

Sorry but I think that's BS. A quest where you go from one objective in Winterhold to the next objective in Markarth right across the other side of the map pretty much as far as you can go and back to Winterhold again, is not a short quest, it's an epic journey taking you across the entire province and back again, and if you do it right it feels like an epic journey. If you choose to take a shortcut and it seems short, that is your loss. I know some people like fast travel, but Bethesda really kind of shoot themselves in the foot by having it as an option when the quests send you across the map, because those epic journeys and all the adventures you can have along the route can be bypassed with one click of a button and of course it doesn't feel epic if you haven't had to work for it because you can get there in an instant.

This isn't an MMO where you have to grind for levels, or an FPS where you have to get through one mission before being given the next one and have to take them all in sequence with little to do in between each - it is true that you can play TES any way you want, but rushing through questlines and insta-popping yourself from one side of the map to the other without seeing anything in between is, at least IMO, going about it the wrong way, of course it's going to be a disappointment if you rush through a questline as quickly as possible, because it's not the sort of game that rewards that method of play.

Hey, That journey from Winterhold to Markarth doesn't matter because that is not in the quest. You don't have to do any quest atm and still have epic journey wandering around Skyrim, so that doesn't add to quest anything. By that logic we can agree that 80% quests are the same, because 80% of time you're travelling to some location.

Of course OP is complaining, but he have something to complain about. He has stated some valid points. You wanna tell me that civil war quest isn't too short and boring? You wanna tell me guilds quest aren't too short? Dark brotherhood quests sux. Thieves guild are kinda ok, but again too short.

80% of people are complaining for sure, but when someone create thread to complain/state opinion on something that he feels to need to, then other complainers come and complains about him complaining. "Facepalm"
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:55 pm

It's not that they svck, they are just a tad short.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:58 pm

Here come the Bethesda Defense Force mindlessly defending their lordships at Bethesda.

It's far more annoying than listening to the complaints.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:57 pm

It's not that they svck, they are just a tad short.

Understatement of the year.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:07 am

Some folks just aren't happy unless they are finding a reason to be miserable.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:17 pm

Im dissapointed. I like skyrim, played around 80 hours so far, but it feels like skyrim was rushed...Guilds are a joke, 4 hours to become the archmage? wut? I liked Companions, but it ended too soon...I thought there's gonna be some fight between Aela and brothers to be or not be werewolves anymore, Main quest wasnt so bad, but ending was poorly made too, civil war is short..there's a lot of another quests for sure, but they're all based on the same thing..maybe im the only one, but I enjoyed oblivion more...skyrim with oblivion side quests and hugely improved civil war as the main quest would be a pure epicness in my opinion. Are the dark brotherhood and thieves guild longer? Probably not :/

I agree I have done 298 hours and nearly all the quest and theres no real depth to the plots theres a lack of creativity and attention to detail. The only one I liked was the thieves guild and that was bugged and I couldn't complete it.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:11 pm

Yeah, not only do most quest svck, but they are also too short

Wait, if the quest lines svck, isn't it a good thing that they are short?
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:05 am

Sorry but I think that's BS. A quest where you go from one objective in Winterhold to the next objective in Markarth right across the other side of the map pretty much as far as you can go and back to Winterhold again, is not a short quest, it's an epic journey taking you across the entire province and back again, and if you do it right it feels like an epic journey. If you choose to take a shortcut and it seems short, that is your loss. I know some people like fast travel, but Bethesda really kind of shoot themselves in the foot by having it as an option when the quests send you across the map, because those epic journeys and all the adventures you can have along the route can be bypassed with one click of a button and of course it doesn't feel epic if you haven't had to work for it because you can get there in an instant.

This isn't an MMO where you have to grind for levels, or an FPS where you have to get through one mission before being given the next one and have to take them all in sequence with little to do in between each - it is true that you can play TES any way you want, but rushing through questlines and insta-popping yourself from one side of the map to the other without seeing anything in between is, at least IMO, going about it the wrong way, of course it's going to be a disappointment if you rush through a questline as quickly as possible, because it's not the sort of game that rewards that method of play.

You sure? I fast travelled in Oblivion and the quest lines still felt much longer. I think they had more missions, although some of them were pretty generic.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 pm

It's not that they svck, they are just a tad short.

THIS x100.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:33 pm

The fighters guild on Oblivion was "go into the cave and kill the bandit".
What's the point in having 15 of those identical quests?

I'd rather have 6 quests that have some story to them.

Mage guild on Oblivion?
Lengthy, very boring recommendation quests which very few found enjoyable. The main quest itself was too long and was the same "go out and fetch this".

The Skyrim quest line for the mage guild was very enjoyable.

Oblivion's main story was short and very repetitive, unlike this one.

I think the people that complain about Skyrim are just picking straws. Seriously, this game is very fun and enjoyable.
Best Elder Scrolls game to date.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:00 pm

Go back to COD kid.
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