"Greetings again [insert name]. Congratulations on your recent promotion. I'm sure you'll agree that it's time we gave you some real work. It just so happens i have an objective that requires an operative of your level of talent.
"Our faction has never had influence in [insert region] and it remains a region of importance to our rivals [insert faction]. If we are to further our primary objective, we need to gain a foothold in that area.
"Travel to [region] and scout out potential locations for a regional base of operations. The decision is yours, but ensure that whichever location you choose is suitable for our operational methods. Local knowledge should be sought in this task to ensure there are no surprises. When you are ready to sieze the location, requisition a small force of footsoldiers and supplies from our garrison at [region x]. You are free to choose your own soldiers and they will remain to fortify the location at your discretion.
"Until such time as the outpost is fortified and we've gained influence in the region, there will be no other support from our main faction. It will be up to you to seek out local assets for trade and communication and you are free to do so by any methods you choose so long as it falls within our operational mandate. If you can wrest local assets away from our rival faction, all the better...
"When you have succeeded in securing a fortified, self sufficient outpost in [region] send word to me and i'll pay you a little visit."