Once I got completely hammered and ended up wandering into the Kvatch refugee camp. Something happened (its sort of a blur.. i think it was a failed pickpockeing attempt possibly) but i ended up massacring pretty much the entire camp.
When i started up the game the next day i found myself surrounded by all their lifeless bodies and felt a built guilty too haahahah :violin:
My goodness.
I'm not sure what the most violent thing I've "had" to do in Oblivion was. The word "had" assumes quest-related fighting, or perhaps self-defense of some sort. The most violent thing I've done (but didn't have to do) would have been Igodah Go^Pe, my deceased high elf wizard. She (as an elf) had a thing against orcs, so she decided to murder each and every orc in her hometown of Cheydinhal. She managed to kill all of them except the Fighter's Guild dude, who I think is essential. ANyways, sometimes, these murders would go smoothly. She could Command the orc outside the city, murder him or her, and nobody would know any difference. But she eventually got lazy, started murdering them in their homes or even behind a house.
One time this guard (or somebody) saw her committing murder and she chose not to pay a fine; instead she starts this huge riot. She summons a Daedroth over and over, then goes invisible.
By the end of the riot, all the guards in the town were apparently dead, and a good number of NPCs were gone, too.
Like tobs above me, I felt kinda bad about this. She mostly had respect for the guards, humans, and other elves, so it kinda svcked seeing so many of them go due to her selfishness.