Would you be needing a http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/Wesadam/WAR_SENIHETEP_1.jpg, perchance (I was told to pass him your way by a little bunny

Yes! Yes! Yes! It's the last resource I need before I can really get down to business!
I want to give a bit of a synopsis of what this mod will entail. Mostly-Mini Todd and his good friend and business associate Mostly-Mini Pete are on a quest to find the legendary GStaff. The GStaff is purported to have the ability to direct the holder of it to the source of greatest contention nearest to the holder; and to direct them to anything that is blatantly "wrong" in the world. You will be asked to assist the Mostly-Mini duo in their search for this artifact, and once it is found, to aid them in removing all contention and fixing everything that is "wrong."
A few features:
Both Todd and Pete will have custom mounts so they can better keep up with you (tiny little legs you know.)
They will have unique scripted spells. For example, Mostly-Mini Todd has the ability to summon a deadly swarm of mini-cliff racers to do his bidding.
Several friends from previous TES games will aid you in your quest for the GStaff.
The Seventh Great House will be restored.
Multiple romances will ensue...they will develop based upon your choices with certain matters.
There will be great hilarity (thanks to Princess_Stomper!)
Enticed? Any questions?