» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:53 am
The script isn't complete yet, but the characters for next release are all more or less fully designed, so it's time to start looking for voice actors so when it's finally time to record I don't have to start asking around and wasting more time ;P.
I have about 6 male characters and 4 female characters who need voicing.
What kind of voices, do you ask? What kind of characters?
Well, I don't know if I want to start giving away spoilers to everyone, so I'll just post an overall description of the characters personalities, so you can know more or less what I need. If I choose you to act for the mod, then I'll send you a full character description and screenshot so you can act for it.
So, what characters do I need?
1.-Cold Hearted, manipulative, serious, well educated and calm. The kind of person that, during a negociation, crosses her legs, interweaves her fingers and calmly awaits for you to make your point... before utterly destroying it. Not a hint of a warm feeling in her voice, unless she wants to. Can't stant getting beaten with words, though: only then she snaps. A total she-dog.
2.-Cheerful military-commando. Elite, though. She cracks the occasional joke, but is not an idiot. Officer-like, disciplined, but human and likeable.
3.-Intelligent, with supperior education. The scientist kind without being a nerd.
4.-Stressed, always-working bureaucrat. Has to work on a lot of different things at the same time, but miraculously manages to keep track of everything.
1.- Middle-aged, on his way to old age. Voice is always calm, friendly expression. Extremely polite and well educated. You can feel a very cold persona under his skin, but judging him as evil wouldn't be completely accurate. He's one of the most cunning characters who ever travelled the wasteland. Good thing he's on your side.
2.- Traditional military-high-command guy. Agressive on his speech, a bit brutish... but not stupid. He's efective at his job and knows how to handle his troops.
3.- You know them: the space ace. Every one who played wing commander knows the kind of guy. Brave, friendly, always the joker... Well, he's not Trevelyan, but he bloody well might be him!
4.- Another military commando. This time it's the silent, disciplined kind. Don't expect him to start talking about the weather!
5.- Yet another commando. Symylar to the she-commando up there, but even less formal. Oh, I intend for this character to be african-american, if it helps you to know.
6.- The wisecracker. Yeah, there's always one of those. You know spiderman, right? Picture spiderman on combat armor, with black rimmed glasses and no superpowers. Yeah, that's him. Good with computers, though.
Here are the characters then. Place links to your voice samples in this thread!
-Don't know if this is the best way to look for voice actors, though... Please, tell me if there's an official thread or a better and more organised way to do so. Thanks!-