I also think that It would be cool to have some aliens in the crew, I almost can see "Mr. Spock" in my crew

I think that it would be problematic and time consuming to create new type of alien, there is a way to use normal aliens at least four options:
1)rebel alien faction join our crew
2)turn aliens into slaves, collar included(I think that collar would be problematic because from what I understand aliens are creatures) something like Vortigaunts in half life 2 that are enslaved by Combine.
3)brainwashing the aliens.
4)finishing alien work on Abominations creating intelligent alien-human hybrid or something like that
I would make me very happy if the next version comes out really soon because i am going on holiday and I will be back in few weeks

I hope that you won't abandon this mod when fallout new vegas comes out, I am a little afraid because few modders plan to do so with they mods I hope you are not one of them.
I don't know what are you future plans for the mod but it would be cool to visit different planet like moon, mars and others, some thing like walking in space suit on the surface of the moon first human on the moon for MANY years or visiting some kind of alien facility on one of planets in our solar system it could exist because second mothership showed up really fast so it could be staying near different planet in our solar system or there is even a possibility that there is some kind of human facility on different planet, I believe it could exist because I've read some info about Van Buren and I found interesting information here it is"The U.S. government's real plan to survive a nuclear war was simply to find another planet to live on after blowing up this one. A spacecraft designed to ferry the human race to another planet was either under construction or ready to go before the War. The plan was for the government to flee to the oil rig, and then leave in a spaceship for another planet. The Enclave, however, was not able to get Bloomfield Space Center ready before the Reds launched, and simply abandoned the space center." or "In November, 2076, the Enclave seized control of Bloomfield Space Center. They knew nuclear war was just around the corner, so they tried to refit the Hermes-13(rocket) and convert it into a vehicle that would take selected personnel (mainly themselves) off-planet, destination yet to be determined." I don't know how did they plan to survive using the ship, only way I can see is that they had some kind of colony on different planet but I don't know how could the build it maybe with help of aliens since we don't know what kind of relations had u.s government had with aliens before war in fallout world but that's just a theory.
I also think it would be cool if could give us an an answer to question from mothership DLC what happend to Sally sister maybe you could do it as some kind of side quest or something, it would be cool if she still is alive somewhere on the ship frozen or turned into the abomination but a "good" one with intelligence intact.
I wanted to say that I like your jokes(gender switch, oblivion) in the mod I hope we see more of them in the future maybe you could make a joke about Elvis since aliens were interested in him as proven in fallout in special encounter with alien ship with two bodies of alien one of them had picture of Elvis Presley so who knows what happend to him

ps.sorry for long post
ps2.sorry for bad english