» Mon May 16, 2011 11:35 pm
I didn't like either of them. Mothership Zeta was amusing, no doubt, but it was just...meh. I didn't see the point. It's a gearfest, like Operation Anchorage.
Dead Money just annoyed me. I am not a survival horror fan, mainly because I'm always "that guy" in horror flicks and such. "Double tap, you [censored]! Why are you running upstairs?!? You just ignored a good chokepoint and ambush site, you blithering idiot! You have a shotgun; center of mass, moron!" et-cetera. I was the same way when a friend was running her Heroes of Horror game for D&D. I was a 17th level Crusader with the Fearless feat.
"Yea, as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. Because I'm the scariest SoB in the whole dammed valley."
I dislike the games "difficulty" being because some senile old man is always a few steps ahead of me "just because." You don't get to screw with me Elijah, I'm way the **** above your pay grade.
By the time of DEad Money, my Courier has smashed the Legion, crushed the BoS, annihilated the Powder Gangers and the Fiends, sent the Khans crawling to Idaho, rolled the NCR, beat the House, made NCR rangers stand in awe, and built a nation. Now some jumped up insane coot wants a shot? Yeah, not happening.